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作者简介:戴维维 1996年生/女/重庆人/东南大学建筑学院景观学系在读博士研究 生/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计、环境行为与心理、景观环 境气候适宜性、数字景观理论与方法(南京 210096)
居住区环境是城市生态网络及社区生活圈高质量建设的重要基础,是城市生活高占比空间,对居民身心健康具有重要的调节作用。通过多源城市数据和 调研筛选出南京典型居住区,基于压力人群的行为偏好筛选出典型空间,并通过问卷和生理测量探索典型空间的恢复性效益。结果表明:1)典型空间的恢复性关 系:可休憩空间>可运动空间>可集散空间;2)绿视率与典型空间的恢复性呈弱相关;3)服务性、功能性设施都是积极要素;近景、远景植物在不同典型空间中具 有不同恢复性影响;住宅建筑和亭子在可休憩空间是积极要素,而住宅建筑在可运动和可集散空间是消极要素;铺装材质的恢复性影响在不同空间中有差异。
关键词:  风景园林  居住区  恢复性  压力  生理  眼动仪
A Study on the Restorative Benefits of Residential Environment Based on Physiological Data: A CaseStudy of Typical Residential Areas in Nanjing City
DAI Weiwei,,PENG Bingcong,,CHEN Ye*
The mental stress of urban residents has become one of the foremost health challenges in modern society. Prolonged exposure to low-quality built environments can lead to varying degrees of mental stress. The residential environment, which occupies about 40% of urban areas, is not only crucial for urban ecological networks and community living, but also the space type that residents most frequently encounter, and significantly influences residents' physical and mental health. However, due to its semi-public and semi-private attributes, it is often ignored in China's general trend of urban stock renewal. To explore the restorative benefits of the residential environment from the perspective of visual perception, the main research objectives are as follows: 1) Identify Nanjing's typical residential areas based on urban data and surveys, and then select typical restorative space types in residential areas according to mentally stressed residents' behavioral preferences. 2) Analyze the restorative characteristics and intensity of typical spatial types in residential areas and the landscape elements' restorative effects. 3) Explore the convergence between the restorative environment and the crowd's stress-reducing behavior, put forward design suggestions to enhance the residential environment' restoration, and provide theoretical support for the design. Firstly, combined with multi-source urban data and surveys, typical residential areas in Nanjing's central urban area were selected according to the following principles: 1) The residential area is of sufficient scale to meet the requirements of a total floor area of 200,000 m2 or more and a land area of 10 hm2 or more. 2) Public blue-green spaces around residential areas that are not accessible within 2 levels of commuting 15 minutes or 5-10 minutes. 3) The residential environment is in favorable condition. 4) The residential areas contain rich activity space types and diverse crowd types. 5) The residential areas are relatively close to each other to enable comparison under relatively consistent environmental conditions. Finally, three residential areas were selected that all met the above principles, but also had stepped differences in construction age, floor area ratio, and housing prices. Secondly, the target mentally stressed groups were selected through questionnaires and surveys. The questionnaire includes basic personal information, stress level [Perceptual Recovery Scale (PSS-10)], depression level [Patient Health Scale (PHQ-9)], and anxiety level [Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS)]. Finally, 48 high-stress residents (accounting for 32.02%), 87 medium-stress residents (accounting for 42.48%), and 66 low-stress residents (accounting for 25.50%) were selected. Finally, a second questionnaire targeting 135 residents experiencing medium to high levels of stress was conducted, and three space types were selected as research objects based on their stress-relief strategies and preferred activity spaces, including spaces for relaxation, physical activity, and socializing. In the experiment, 126 participants, including local and non-local residents, were recruited. Panoramic photos of three types of typical spaces in three residential areas were used as visual stimulus materials to conduct experiments in the lab. The experimental process consisted of five stages: preparation, participant relaxation, stress induction, viewing images of residential spaces, and post-experiment interviews and questionnaires. During the experiment, subjective data on the perceived restorative effects of these spaces were collected through a questionnaire that included personal basic information, stress status, and the Chinese version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale. Physiological data such as Skin conductance level (SCL) and heart rate variability (HRV) were measured using the PhysioLAB wireless physiological recorder. Eye-tracking data (total fixation duration, number of fixations, first fixation time, and first fixation duration) and an indicator of psychological load (pupil diameter) were obtained using Tobii Pro Glasses 2. The subjective and objective data were ultimately integrated for statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis. Findings suggest: 1) Based on the comprehensive subjective and objective evaluation, relaxation spaces offer the best restorative benefits in the three space types. In contrast, physical activity space offers greater restorative benefits than socializing space. From a subjective perspective, analyzing the four dimensions of the PRS-being away, fascination, extent, and compatibility - revealed that fascination was perceived as the weakest across all space types, with socializing spaces having the poorest fascination perception. From an objective perspective, objective physiological indicators partially reflected the restorative benefits perceived subjectively, with variations in the degree of correspondence. SCL measurements aligned with subjective perceptions, whereas HRV showed slight discrepancies. 2) Despite the extensive evidence supporting the stress-relief benefits of green environments, this study found only a weak correlation between green view rates and restorative benefits. 3) The study also observed that landscape elements have varying impacts across different spaces and that individual perceptions differ. While landscape elements can serve as preliminary mediums to analyze environmental attractiveness, their restorative effects should be discussed within specific space types due to the complexity of visual perception systems constructed by element combinations. Service and functional facilities were consistently positive elements across all space types, quickly attracting attention and interest. In line with previous research, vegetation exhibited strong appeal in all space types, though near and distant vegetation had different restorative effects depending on the space types. In socializing spaces, near vegetation was a negative element, while distant vegetation was positive; in relaxation and physical activity spaces, near vegetation was beneficial. Residential buildings and pavilions positively impact relaxation spaces, but negatively affect spaces for physical activity and socializing. The restorative effects of different paving materials vary depending on the type of space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  residential environment  restorative  stress  physiology  eye tracker

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