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作者简介:林轶南 1983年生/男/福建福州人/博士/华东理工大学艺术学院景观系系主任,副教授,硕士生导师/注册城乡规划师/研究方向为文化景 观(上海 200237)
由德商禅臣洋行兴建的禅臣花园(Siemssen Garden),是近代福建最具代表性的西式花园之一,至今仍留存有40余棵挂牌古树名木,其中大部分由海 外引种。采用景观考古学方法,通过树木地理信息采集、历史文献研判、结合造园者后代的口述记录,梳理了禅臣花园的建造过程和植物引种历史,试图还原其 整体格局的演变过程。研究认为,对异域植物的猎奇,是禅臣花园产生的直接动因;花园的扩张经历了仪式性的城堡花园、画意式的自然景园和以生产为目的的 温室苗圃3个阶段,每个阶段的猎奇主体都有所不同,体现出时局的变化,并勾勒出一条隐藏的物种交流路线。
关键词:  风景园林  禅臣花园  近代  造园  福州
Nature with Curiosity: A Study of Siemssen Garden in Fuzhou
LIN Yinan,,WU Siyuan,,WANG Hantao,,XU Wei,,LIN Wei
Built by the German merchants Siemssen & Co., the Siemssen Garden is an important example of early modern Western-style gardens in Fujian. As one of the most important Western-style gardens in the region, the Siemssen Garden was celebrated for its rare plant collections, finely crafted architectural elements, and its embodiment of cross-cultural exchange during the late Qing Dynasty. The garden not only provided a venue for social and diplomatic events, but also served as an entry point for plant species from Europe, Oceania and the South Sea Islands into China, contributing to the biodiversity of Chinese botanical gardens. The primary aim of this study is to examine the spatial and botanical landscape of the Siemssen Garden as it has evolved over time. By tracing these changes, the research seeks to show how socio-political, economic and environmental dynamics have influenced the development of the garden. The study situates the Siemssen Garden within the broader context of garden and plant introduction practices in treaty port cities, where foreign merchants and diplomats often used gardens as social venues and symbols of status. The research adopted a multifaceted methodological approach, combining both physical site investigation and historical analysis. Fieldwork was undertaken to document the current layout and species of mature trees, using GPS and drones to accurately map tree locations, trunk diameters and canopy projections. This enabled a comprehensive survey of the existing flora and a reconstruction of the historic layout of the garden. The research process included archival research into other botanical exchange routes established by Western traders in China, as well as consultation with botanists and historians on the distribution of plant species. Interviews with Siemssen's descendants also provided invaluable oral histories. By examining the origins, development and legacy of the Siemssen Garden, this research provides insights into the following key areas: 1) The primary impetus for the establishment of the Siemssen Garden is the desire to collect rare and exotic plants, and the development of the garden has been accompanied by changes in plant enthusiasts. 2) The spatial expansion and stylistic development of the Siemssen Garden is a symptom of functional change. The development of the garden can be divided into three phases: the ceremonial "schlossgarten", the picturesque natural "landscape garden" and the production-oriented "greenhouse garden", the essence of which is the changing socio-political and economic situation. 3) The evolution of the garden reveals a hidden network of plant introductions and exchanges. The plants introduced and acclimatised in the Siemssen Garden bear witness to the rise and fall of maritime trade routes connecting Fuzhou, as a treaty port city, with Europe, the South Sea Islands and Oceania in the modern era. 4) As a unique cultural heritage site characterised by its ancient and precious trees, the preservation of the Siemssen Garden should focus not only on its physical form but also on the cultural significance it embodies, ensuring that its contributions to Fuzhou's identity and China's botanical heritage are recognised and preserved for future generations
Key words:  landscape architecture  Siemssen Garden  modern era  gardening  Fuzhou

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