摘要: |
江康养乡村为例,从优化景观异质性角度出发,提出疗愈型乡土景观设计策略。 |
关键词: 风景园林 乡土景观 同一健康 景观异质性 疗愈特征 |
DOI:10.19775/j.cla.2025.02.0116 |
投稿时间:2023-08-24修订日期:2023-12-25 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51708498) |
Healing Characteristics and Design Strategies of Local Landscape Heterogeneity from one HealthPerspective |
LIU Boxin,,JIN Yiwen,,ZHU Xiaoqing* |
Abstract: |
Compared to the artificial environments of urban areas, green and
ecological vernacular landscapes exhibit a more profound healing quality, exerting
significant impacts on ecosystems, flora and fauna, as well as human health. The
foundational element enabling these landscapes to function effectively is landscape
heterogeneity, which encompasses the variations in types, combinations, and attributes
of landscape elements across space and time. This discussion begins by elucidating
the concepts of One Health and landscape heterogeneity, along with their evolutionary
trajectories. Subsequently, it analyzes the health benefits associated with landscape
heterogeneity from three distinct scales: the diversity of pattern patches ensuring
ecosystem health, the diversity of habitats sustaining the health of flora and fauna, and
the diversity in landscape perception and interaction influencing human health. Each
of these scales is explained through relevant case studies to illustrate their underlying
principles and mechanisms of influence. Landscape heterogeneity ensures that a
variety of ecological processes and species interactions can occur. Diverse pattern
patches within a landscape provide a mosaic of habitats, each supporting different
species and ecological functions. This promotes resilience and stability within
ecosystems, enabling them to better adapt to environmental changes and disturbances.
In terms of animal and plant health, the diversity of habitats is crucial. Different
species have unique habitat requirements, and a landscape with a range of habitats
can support a greater diversity of flora and fauna. This habitat diversity ensures that
species have access to the resources they need to survive and thrive, such as food,
water, and shelter. Turning to human health, the diversity in landscape perception
and interaction plays a significant role. People derive various benefits from their
interactions with landscapes, including physical exercise, mental relaxation, and
social connection. A landscape with a mix of natural and cultural features, such as
parks, gardens, and historical sites, offers a range of experiences and activities that can
enhance well-being. For instance, a community park with walking paths, playgrounds,
and picnic areas provides opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and
relaxation, all contributing to improved human health. These strategies focus on
enhancing the diversity of landscape elements, such as incorporating a variety of plant
species, creating diverse habitats for wildlife, and designing landscapes that promote
interaction and engagement with nature. By integrating these strategies into vernacular
landscape design, it is possible to create healing environments that support the health
and well-being of ecosystems, flora and fauna, and humans alike. In conclusion, the
healing power of green and ecological vernacular landscapes lies in their ability to
harness the principles of landscape heterogeneity. By understanding and applying
these principles at different scales, it is possible to design landscapes that promote
health and well-being across ecosystems, flora and fauna, and human communities.
The case of Zhejiang's wellness villages demonstrates the practical application of
these strategies, illustrating how optimizing landscape heterogeneity can lead to the
creation of healing environments that benefit all forms of life. |
Key words: landscape architecture local landscape one health landscape
heterogeneity healing characteristics |