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作者简介:孙新旺 1973年生/男/河南西平人/硕士/南京林业大学风景园林学院副教 授/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计(南京 210037)
城市型景区是老年人易到达的场所,适老化改造是其服务提升的重要内容。基于老年游客行为特征,考虑主客观影响因素,构建了由路网物理可达性 与感知可达性2个维度相结合的景区游憩景点老年游客可达性综合评价模型,运用网络分析法和空间句法分析评价中山陵景区核心片区12处游憩景点老年游客的 可达性现状。结果显示:主观感知在景区景点综合评价中对可达性的影响有较大的占比权重;路网物理可达性较好的景点占比60%,感知可达性较好的景点占比 40%,有5个景点的可达性各项指标均较好;超半数的景点存在“有路”但“感知弱”的问题,说明路网条件虽好,但软环境存在不足。从道路人行系统完善、标 识和指示系统的适老化提升,以及科学设置休憩设施等方面提出优化策略。
关键词:  风景园林  老年游客景点可达性  城市型景区  感知可达性  空间句法  网络分析法
Study on Accessibility Evaluation of Elderly Tourists in Recreational Attractions of Urban Scenic Areas:A Case Study of the Core Scenic Area of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum
SUN Xinwang,LIU Cancan,CHENG Nanyang,,SHEN Shiguang
Urban scenic spots have convenient transportation, integrating functions of heritage preservation, tourism, and daily recreation in park green spaces. At the same time, these spots are more accessible to elderly residents in the city. As aging intensifies in China, the renewal and reform of urban scenic spots focuses on the development of products and service improvements for the elderly, particularly the enhancement of elderly tourists' accessibility to recreational attractions in scenic areas. This can effectively improve the comprehensive service benefits of scenic spots and increase the happiness of urban residents. Currently, theoretical research and measurement methods on the perceived accessibility of scenic tourists at the subjective level have become a research hot-spot, with a growing focus on the accessibility of specific groups, such as the elderly. However, there is a lack of research on elderly tourists' accessibility to recreational attractions in scenic areas. This study, combined with research on the behavioral characteristics of elderly tourists at Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, integrates the evaluation of the physical accessibility of the road network within the scenic area with the assessment of psychological perceived accessibility, in order to construct a comprehensive evaluation model for elderly tourists' accessibility. The accessibility of 12 recreational attractions in the core area of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is evaluated using network analysis and spatial syntax methods. The results show that: 1) Subjective psychological perception in the comprehensive evaluation of scenic spots plays a significant role in determining elderly tourists' accessibility, sometimes even more so than physical accessibility through the road network. Therefore, in the micro-scale evaluation of accessibility to recreational spots, more attention should be paid to tourists' psychological perceptions of accessibility. 2) Among the 12 major recreational spots in the core area of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, nearly 60% of the physical accessibility of the road network is rated positively, while perceived accessibility is approximately 40%. The five attractions - Meiling Palace, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum Axis View, Zhongshan Academy, Yangzhi Pavilion, and Purple Mountain Adventure Park - show more balanced accessibility in both indicators. The only attraction with better accessibility in both indicators is the Axis Landscape of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, while the Scripture Building scores poorly in both aspects. 3) More than half of the 12 recreational attractions exhibit the problem of having "good roads" but being "difficult to perceive", such as Guanghua Pavilion, Music Terrace, Yongfeng Society, Xingjian Pavilion, Liu Hui Salon, and Commercial Street. This suggests that while the road network in the core area of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is relatively mature, there is still a need for improvements in pedestrian systems, road walking comfort, and other aspects for elderly tourists. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum has made significant progress in the development of attractions, road network infrastructure and business services, the issue of accessibility for elderly tourists remains a real challenge that deserves attention. It is suggested that scenic spots be upgraded in the following ways: 1) Optimize and enhance the safety, convenience, and comfort of pedestrian pathways. For example, by increasing the density of pedestrian networks through local additions to garden roads, updating pavement materials in pedestrian areas, incorporating ramps at steps, and installing handrails and platforms for continuous ramps. 2) Improve the pedestrian system based on the visual characteristics of elderly tourists. For example, attraction signage design should incorporate strong color contrast and larger fonts, road intersections should feature appropriate ground markings, and important locations should include voice prompts. Besides, corridors, trestle borders and other fa?ade interfaces to carry out attraction publicity should be used. 3) Increase the number of recreational facilities along the road. Considering the physical characteristics of elderly tourists, more benches should be provided along the road according to city park standards, and existing pavilion porch facilities should be updated using natural materials to enhance seating comfort. Research on the accessibility of recreational spots at the micro-level is still in its early stages, and there is limited research focusing on specific groups, with few case studies to draw from. This study also has limitations, such as a small sample size, the imprecise analysis of how road surface materials and slopes influence elderly tourists' willingness to walk, and the failure to fully consider the visual characteristics of elderly tourists. These aspects need improvement in future research.
Key words:  landscape architecture  attractions accessibility of elderly tourist  urban scenic areas  perceived accessibility  space syntax  network analysis method

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