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作者简介:杜春兰 1965年生/女/青海西宁人/博士/重庆大学建筑城规学院院长, 教授,博士生导师/山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室/研 究方向为风景园林历史与理论、风景园林规划与设计/本刊编委 (重庆 400044)
中国,尤其是重庆市老龄化严重,为了提升公共空间公平性并缓解供需矛盾,需要为老年人提升公共空间可达性。然而,已有研究忽略了公共空间吸 引力、山地城市交通状况,以及劣势居住区中潜在可开发的公共空间对出行可达性的影响。为了分析山地城市老龄居民出行可达性问题,重新解读并构建引力模 型,利用回归分析挖掘出行可达性影响因子。渝中区存在公共空间不可达和出行可达性较低的问题,并呈现“中心-边缘”的空间分布格局和权衡关系,出行可达 性受到交通可步行性不足、缺少潜在可开发的公共空间和开发资金,以及公共空间景观吸引力较低问题的共同影响。提出劣势居住区潜在公共空间开发策略和公 共空间适老化更新策略,以期推进老年宜居环境建设
关键词:  风景园林  可达性  公共空间  景观吸引力  劣势居住区  引力模型
Travel Accessibility Analysis of Elderly Residents in Mountainous City: From Neighborhoods to PublicSpaces
DU Chunlan,,LI Yang,LI Bo
The aging population in China, particularly in Chongqing, presents significant challenges in providing equitable access to public open space, which is a crucial infrastructure for promoting elderly well-being, and it is essential to mitigates the increasing supply-demand tension of green spaces. However, existing studies often neglect several critical aspects in mountainous cities: the attractiveness of public spaces as destinations, the effect of complex topography on the mobility of the elderly, and the potential for the construction of public open spaces in disadvantaged neighborhoods. These gaps are an obstacle to the provision of effective accessibility strategies. To address these questions, the gravity model is re-interpreted and constructed to take into account both the quality and quantity of green spaces, as well as the topographical features of mountainous city. The gravity model is recalibrated to take into account the quality of the landscape, and the attractiveness of public spaces and the specific barriers posed by topography. In this context, the attractiveness of public open spaces is quantified using coefficients related to landscape features such as green coverage, recreational facilities, and rest areas. Simultaneously, we applied a network-based analysis using ArcGIS to adjust for travel distances influenced by topography, allowing for a more accurate calculation of older people's travel distance. The study area is located in the Yuzhong District, Chongqing, a typical high-density urban district with a large number of elderly residents. The district exhibits the "center-periphery" pattern of accessibility, characterized by a trade-off relationship between areas with high accessibility, typically found in central commercial zones, and those in peripheral residential neighborhoods suffering from low accessibility. We identified two problems of accessibility: first, 35.47% of elderly residents are unable to reach public spaces within a 10-minute walk from their homes due to steep slopes and fragmented green space networks; second, public open space often fail to meet the needs of elderly residents due to the poor landscape quality. Disadvantaged neighborhoods, especially older residential areas with low green coverage and high housing densities, face significant challenges in accessing nearby public open spaces. study results indicate that these neighborhoods often lack and that, when external green spaces are available, they are either too distant or of an inadequate quality to effectively serve the elderly residents. The challenging topography of Chongqing makes walking to public open spaces difficult, especially for older residents. It is evident that the quality of public open spaces in these areas is inadequate for the elderly. Even when public open spaces are accessible, the lack of seating, shade, and smooth walking paths makes them uninviting and unusable. To address these disparities, we propose a two-pronged strategy for improving public open space accessibility and equity for elderly residents. First, we recommend improving the walkability and connectivity of the built environment in disadvantaged neighborhoods. This includes infrastructure improvements such as the installation of elevators or ramps to mitigate the effects of steep terrain, as well as the development of barrierfree pathways that are safe and convenient for elderly residents. Furthermore, it is essential to identify potential areas for the construction of public open spaces within these neighborhoods, including identify attached green space in the commercial land. Second, Targeted investments should be made in age-friendly public open space renewal. These should prioritize the addition of age-friendly amenities such as seating, exercise facilities, and accessible restrooms, as well as improvements to microclimatic conditions, such as the installation of shade structures and the improvement of green cover to create more comfortable environments for outdoor activities. Moreover, expanding existing public spaces in densely populated areas could help alleviate overcrowding and improve the use experience for elderly residents. Our study demonstrates that enhancing public space accessibility in mountainous cities requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond measures to increase the amount of space available. With the influence of the complex topography and the public open spaces with specific distribution pattern in the mountainous city, the above strategies can more effectively improve the accessibility of public open spaces to achieve the goal of creating an age-friendly environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  accessibility  public open space  landscape attraction  disadvantaged neighborhood  gravity model

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