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作者简介:邵钰涵 1984年生/女/山东烟台人/博士/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士生导师/研究方向为健康景观、景感评价、地域性 景观(包括滨海景观、荒野景观等)(上海 200092)
随着城市步入高品质发展阶段,人们对于能够带来丰富感知体验的城市景观需求日益增加,学界愈发关注人与景观空间互动中产生的主观体验。既有景 观空间评价对人的主观反馈关注不足,且对快速路沿线住区这一特殊空间关注较少,导致对于全面优化城市居住环境的指导作用有限。视觉和听觉作为人们最主要 的环境感知途径,厘清二者与景观空间体验的作用机制,可为优化快速路沿线住区景观空间及提升居民感知提供新的视角。选取上海市快速路沿线住区为研究对 象,构建包含视觉环境特征、听觉环境特征、声源类型、视觉感知和听觉感知5类共20项指标,探索视听环境要素与主观感知之间的量化关系,以及视听环境要素 对主观感知的影响强度及机制。结果显示,视觉与听觉感知受对应的视、听环境特征影响,并且不同感知之间也存在交互影响作用。在揭示快速路沿线住区视听感 知影响机制的基础上,提出利用视听交互影响提升居民景观感知体验的思路,为优化城市快速路沿线住区景观环境品质提供科学指导
关键词:  风景园林  景观感知  交通噪声  回归分析  住区景观  城市快速路
基金项目:十四五国家重点研发计划(2023YFC3805303);上海市自然科学基金项目(24ZR1469800);北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心年 度研究基金项目(FS04-20141001-JTF)
Research on the Perception and Influence Mechanism of Landscape Audio-visual EnvironmentElements in Residential Areas Along Urban Expressways: Take Shanghai as an Example
SHAO Yuhan,ZHANG Zhoutao,JIN Tongfei*
In the current phase of high-quality urban development, there is a growing demand for urban landscapes that offer dynamic and multi-sensory experiences. Landscape perception has consequently emerged as a key research focus within landscape architecture. However, past studies on landscape evaluation have often lacked sufficient attention to subjective human feedback, while also largely overlooking unique yet impactful spaces such as residential areas bordering expressways. As two primary channels through which people perceive their surroundings, vision and hearing are fundamental to understanding urban landscape experiences. Despite considerable research on these perceptual mechanisms, gaps remain, particularly in developing quantitative analyses of the combined effects of visual and auditory stimuli on landscape perception and in examining the interactive and synergistic relationship between these senses. Addressing these gaps, this study investigates the residential area along Zhangwu Road in Shanghai's Yangpu District, a site situated immediately north of the elevated Middle Ring Road and therefore subjected to a highly variable outdoor soundscape significantly impacted by traffic noise. This research establishes a comprehensive framework that includes five main indicator categories - comprising 20 individual indicators - spanning audiovisual environmental characteristics, sound source types, and perceptual dimensions. By setting objective audiovisual environmental elements as independent variables and landscape perception outcomes as dependent variables, this study aims to systematically analyze the intricate interplay between landscape perception and environmental features, yielding insights that are specific to the expressway-adjacent residential context. To ensure a robust data collection process, 13 measurement points were selected across the study area. Each point was carefully chosen to represent diverse landscape environments, capturing a range of audiovisual characteristics essential to a comprehensive evaluation. Data collection included fixed-location panoramic photographs and sound recordings. The panoramic images underwent semantic segmentation analysis, and the resulting data were processed within a GIS platform to calculate the percentage of different landscape elements within each frame. Sound measurements were conducted using professional recording equipment to capture continuous audio data, which was later analyzed to extract key acoustic metrics. Additionally, 37 participants, comprising residents from Tongji Xincun and graduate students from Tongji University, engaged in immersive soundwalk experiments at each measurement point. After each soundwalk, participants completed a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire assessing audiovisual perceptions. These responses were then screened to ensure validity and the refined data was utilized for subsequent analyses. Results from this study illuminate key features of the landscape environment. Auditory analysis revealed that over 70% of sites exhibited sound pressure levels well above recommended thresholds, with a marked negative correlation between sound pressure levels and the distance from the expressway, indicating that traffic noise was the primary source of disturbance. Visually, a high percentage of vegetation coverage was observed, suggesting favorable greenery visibility, which likely contributes to perceived aesthetic quality. In an integrated assessment of audiovisual perception, a notable inverse relationship was found between auditory annoyance and pleasure; this relationship aligned with sound pressure levels and the presence of natural sounds, underscoring the adverse impact of high-pressure traffic noise and the beneficial influence of natural sounds on the soundscape experience. Visual perception results indicated consistent overall satisfaction across different points, with no clear dominant trends among individual visual indicators, suggesting that various visual landscape elements may not exhibit inherent superiority or inferiority in terms of visual appeal. Further correlation analysis between environmental factors and audiovisual perception highlighted significant associations within auditory perception indicators and between these indicators and various environmental elements. Visual features, notably vegetation, were also found to correlate with auditory perception levels. Strong internal correlations were observed within the realm of visual perception, with each visual perception indicator significantly associated with specific visual environmental factors. Through audiovisual perception modeling, the study developed regression models for visual satisfaction and its sub-indicators, as well as auditory satisfaction and associated sub-indicators. These models were validated for robustness and revealed that vegetation had the most substantial positive effect on visual satisfaction, followed by the sky, while buildings and ground surfaces contributed negatively. Natural sounds were shown to have a significant positive effect on auditory perception, while traffic noise exerted a negative influence mainly due to high sound pressure levels; vegetation additionally contributed positively to auditory satisfaction. Cross-modal perception analysis unrevealed that natural sounds and sounds associated with human activities had a positive influence on visual perception, while traffic noise and other disruptive sounds had detrimental effects. Auditory and visual perceptions - except for annoyance - tended to reinforce one another, with pleasure and naturalness showing the highest correlation. Spaciousness, however, was not significantly impacted by auditory perceptions. In summary, this study provides a detailed exploration of the various factors influencing audiovisual perception and offers an indepth analysis of the cross-modal interactions at play. Despite its limitations, such as a relatively homogeneous sample and the challenges of controlling environmental variables, this research offers valuable scientific insights and practical guidelines for enhancing landscape design in residential areas adjacent to expressways. The findings underscore the importance of integrating both visual and auditory considerations in urban planning to create more harmonious and health-promoting environments for residents in these distinctive urban contexts.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape perception  traffic noise  regression analysis  residential landscape  urban expressway

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