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作者简介:赵 兵 1968年生/男/浙江杭州人/南京林业大学风景园林学院教授,博 士生导师/中国风景园林学会园林康养与园艺疗法专委会副 主任/中国林学会森林公园与森林旅游分会副理事长/南京林业 大学国家公园研究中心主任/研究方向为城市蓝绿空间与公共健 康、园林康养与园艺疗法、风景园林规划与设计/本刊编委(南 京 210037)
城市蓝绿空间是健康城市建设的重要抓手。20世纪90年代以来,城市蓝绿空间健康促进效应研究异常活跃,成为国际风景园林及相关学科领域的热点 之一。扼要总结了该领域研究涉及的3类关键问题:健康促进机制(健康促进效应产生的内因和途径)、健康响应规律(城市蓝绿空间对健康结果的影响效应和转译 过程)和健康绩效优化(健康绩效导向下的城市蓝绿空间规划调控目标与干预路径)。简要讨论了今后城市蓝绿空间健康促进效应研究应重视的若干问题:跨媒介 “绿色处方”的开发与应用、生成式人工智能介入健康绿地规划设计及大健康视域下的风景疗愈服务与支持体系构建,旨在促进城市蓝绿空间健康效益的人人享 有与均衡分配
关键词:  风景园林  城市蓝绿空间  公众健康  健康城市  进展
Progress and Prospects of Research on the Health-Promoting Effect of Urban Blue-Green Space
ZHAO Bing,LI Hongyi, ZHANG,Jinguang
Urban blue-green spaces refer to the integration of water bodies and green vegetation within urban areas, which have multifaceted effects on public health promotion. Research on urban blue-green spaces and public health involves multiple disciplines, and the differences in cognitive contexts among these disciplines have led to a diversity of research approaches, paradigms, and methods. However, previous systematic reviews and scoping reviews have primarily focused on summarizing knowledge within specialized subfields, offering limited forward-looking insights to guide the development of the field. This paper reviews research progress by focusing on three categories of scientific issues involved in the field: health promotion mechanisms, health response patterns, and optimization of health performance. By tracing these issues, this paper aims to provide a reference for clarifying future research directions, emphasizing key areas for future research and laying the foundation for advancing the field. Health promotion mechanisms focus on the internal causes and logical processes that generate effects related to health promotion. Key issues include: 1) Coupling relationships of bio-psycho-social pathways, Urban blue-green spaces influence public health through multiple pathways, including air quality, physical activity, social cohesion, and stress reduction. Most existing research focuses on a single or a few pathways, neglecting the coupling mechanisms between them. This paper emphasizes the importance of studying the synergistic effects of these pathways. Understanding how these pathways interact can provide a more comprehensive view of the health benefits of blue-green spaces and inform integrated health promotion strategies. 2) Causal associations between urban blue-green spaces and health promotion effects. Environmental epidemiological studies often use crosssectional surveys, which makes causal inference difficult due to reverse causality and selection bias. Future research should conduct randomized controlled trials, quasiexperimental studies, and longitudinal cohort studies to enhance causal explanations and identify key mediators and moderators. Health response patterns refer to the impact effects and translation processes of urban blue-green spaces on health outcomes. Key issues include: 1) Precise measurement of exposure levels in uncertain geographic contexts. Assessing health promotion effects requires precise exposure level measurements. However, individual geographic randomness and dynamism pose challenges to accurate measurement. Methods like location services, mobile phone signaling, and social media data can capture actual exposure, refining the blue-green space-health impact mechanisms. 2) Dose-response relationships between exposure levels and health benefits. Previous studies often use linear regression models, which fail to capture complex real-world relationships. The dose-response relationship may be nonlinear, with optimal thresholds. Further exploration of spatiotemporal cumulative effects is needed to refine green prescriptions. 3) Conversion logic and driving factors of exposure opportunities, contact behaviors, and health promotion effects. Urban greening increases exposure opportunities but does not necessarily lead to more frequent or deeper natural contact. Nature connectedness (emotional attachment to nature) is a key mediator; more natural contact enhances connectedness, promoting mental health. The relationship between exposure opportunities and contact behaviors requires systematic research, considering both external and internal mechanisms. Health performance optimization focuses on health performanceoriented urban blue-green space planning and regulation goals, as well as intervention paths. Key issues include: 1) Key indicator regulatory standards for promoting allocation justice. Uneven health benefits from urban blue-green spaces can deprive certain groups of their rights to health. Achieving allocation justice requires addressing spatial variations in exposure levels and identifying key exposure indicators to establish regulatory standards. Future research should cover multi-dimensional exposure assessment indicators and determine the contribution of each indicator to health outcomes. Based on this, it is necessary to further define the reference intervals for key indicators and develop multi-level regulatory standards to promote the fair distribution of blue-green spaces. 2) The regulatory mechanisms of urban blue-green space planning and design. Planning and design should focus on the "interventionexposure" relationship, encompassing the monitoring of exposure levels, evaluation of intervention effects, and expansion of the evidence base to establish an evidence-based explanation-action framework. Different intensity planning and design interventions should be matched based on gaps between exposure measurements and threshold standards to optimize resource allocation and achieve smart growth in healthy cities. Based on the review, this study highlights several important issues for future research: 1) Cross-media "green prescriptions". Converting the health promotion potential of urban blue-green spaces into practical effects through multifaceted and multimedia exposure modes is urgent. Both real-world and virtual media can enhance individuals' connection to nature. A cross-media approach should explore virtual-reality "green prescriptions", leveraging synergistic health promotion effects. Integrating virtual and real-world experiences can maximize the health benefits of blue-green spaces. 2) The application of generative artificial intelligence in planning and design. Generative artificial intelligence can address convergence and divergence issues in healthy green space planning and design, enables the provision of precise reference values for exposure indicators and facilitates the generation of multiple planning solutions to assess health promotion effects. 3) Landscape therapy services and support systems. Urban blue-green spaces are crucial for enhancing public health. Constructing comprehensive landscape therapy models covering all periods, areas, and aspects, along with support systems, is essential. The ultimate goal is to promote equitable distribution, ensuring all people benefit from the high-quality development of modern cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban blue-green space  public health  healthy city  progress

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