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作者简介:林咏园 1996年生/女/福建宁德人/福州大学环境与安全工程学院硕士/福 州市规划设计研究院集团有限公司工程师/研究方向为城市与区 域生态系统服务、高温热浪人群健康风险(福州 350108)
全球气候变化和城市化进程的持续推进,加剧了极端天气事件频发,采取“基于自然的解决方案”(NbS)缓解高温热浪对城市居民的健康风险具有重 要意义。以福州的3种榕属树种——细叶榕(Ficus microcarpa )、高山榕(F. altissima )、雅榕(F. concinna)和2种常见优势树种杧果(Mangifera indica ) 和香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)作为研究对象,通过现场实验和生理指标测度等方法,探讨不同树种遮阳环境下的人体生理健康指标变化,以及不同树种 遮阳环境对生理指标的影响程度。结果表明:1)相比其他树种遮阳环境,细叶榕遮阳环境下受试者表现为显著低体温和低脉搏的生理特征;2)进入细叶榕遮阳环 境后,受试者的体温降低幅度显著大于香樟的遮阳环境,受试者的舒张压降低幅度显著大于杧果的遮阳环境;3)榕属树种遮阳环境下受试者体温降低的概率是香 樟遮阳环境下的4.17倍,其中,细叶榕遮阳环境对受试者体温降低的影响显著大于其他树种的遮阳环境。研究结果有助于热带和亚热带城市的园林树种选择和优 化,也为城市居民健康出行提供有效避暑建议。旨在揭示微观尺度上绿色空间提供的人类福祉,探讨城市优势树种如何发挥其独特的生态功能
关键词:  风景园林  生理健康  现场实验  榕树  高温热浪  福州市
Study on the Impact of the Canopy Shade of Ficus Trees and Human Physiological Health BenefitsBased on a Field Experiment in High Temperature
LIN Yongyuan,SHUI Wei*,FENG Jie,,WU Chaowei,JIANG Cong
The continuous process of urbanization results in frequent extreme weather events. With the rapid growth of population in global urbanization, more and more people are living in highly artificial urban landscapes. Urban ecosystems play a vital role in providing human benefits to maintain the stable development of urban systems and enhance their adaptability to climate change. Nature-based solutions (NbS) may be effective and sustainable urban planning methods that can have a positive impact on human health. In addition, NbS is essential to mitigate human health risks caused by heat waves and relieve the damage of extreme environmental events. From the perspective of ecosystem services of tree species, this study took three types of Ficus tree species, Ficus microcarpa , F. altissima , F. concinna , Mangifera indica and Cinnamomum camphora in the high-temperature city of Fuzhou as the research object. Through the use of multidisciplinary and integrated research tools such as geography, ecology, botany and medicine, we employed a field experiment using SPSS statistical software, Origin, with the experimental design of short-term exposure to nature and standard access to tree species in high-temperature. Further, we discussed the changes in physiological parameters under the canopy of different tree species, exploring the response characteristics of physiological health indicators to different tree species' canopy shades. This paper aims to reveal the human well-being provided by green space at the micro scale, and to explore how the dominant tree species make unique ecological differences in high-temperature city. The results showed that: 1) The subjects showed the characteristics of lower body temperature and pulse rate under the shade of Ficus microcarpa . The body temperature under the canopy shades of Ficus microcarpa tree was significantly lower than that under the canopy shades of Ficus altissima tree by 0.10 °C and 0.24 °C lower than that under the canopy shades of Ficus concinna tree. The pulse rate under the canopy shades of Ficus microcarpa tree was significantly lower than that under the canopy shades of Ficus altissima tree by 7 beats/min and 8 beast/min lower than that under the canopy shades of Ficus concinna tree. 2) There was an apparent decrease in body temperature and diastolicood pressure under the canopy shades of Ficus microcarpa tree, compared with Cinnamomum camphora tree and Mangifera indica tree respectively. 3) The probability of body temperature decrease under the canopies of Ficus species was as 4.17 times as that under the canopy of Cinnamomum camphora tree. In terms of tree species, the shading effect of Ficus microcarpa tree shade has more significant influences on body temperature reduction than that of other tree species. In concrete terms, the probability of body temperature decrease under the canopies of Ficus microcarpa tree was as 1.38×10-7 times as that under the canopy of Ficus altissima tree, 6.34×10-6 times as that under the canopy of Ficus concinna tree, 2.86×10-7 times as that under the canopy of Mangifera indica tree, and 2.70×10-7 times as that under the canopy of Cinnamomum camphora tree. Those findings in this paper may explore the dominant species of Ficus that can make a unique ecological difference, promote local dominant species to maximize the ecological function of plants and reasonably optimize their allocation, and provide a reference basis for tree species selection in tropical and subtropical cities, and mitigate natural disasters caused by heatwaves. And, it will optimize the planning and design of healthy urban environments. We hope to provide suitable recommendations for the construction of an ecological city and the formulation of urban sustainable development strategy in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  human physiological health  field experiment  Ficus  heat waves  Fuzhou City

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