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作者简介:王 兰 1976年生/女/四川成都人/博士/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院院 长,教授,博士生导师/研究方向为城市发展战略与规划、健康 城市规划与设计、城乡规划方法与技术(上海 200092)
在健康城市的规划建设中,建成环境对母婴健康的支撑非常重要,但在中国学界和实践中暂未得到足够重视。以母婴健康中的孕妇(女性孕期)健康和妊 娠结局(婴儿出生)为表征,以知网、Web of Science和PubMed等数据库为基础,搜索城市建成环境与这2类健康结果的关联研究,开展综述以综合呈现该领 域研究进展。已有研究揭示了归一化植被指数(NDVI,或称绿量)和绿地率等绿色空间指标、道路密度和可步行性等道路交通指标,以及医疗设施可获得性等公共 服务设施指标对孕妇健康和妊娠结局的重要作用,其作用机制包括空气污染和噪声等健康风险、体力活动和社交活动等健康行为,以及医疗护理等健康资源三大 类。探讨了已有研究在建成环境和孕妇健康测度等方面的缺失点,提出了增补绿色空间类型等测度指标、构建孕妇健康时序数据集等未来研究方向,以期从城乡 规划和风景园林学科角度为保障母婴健康作出贡献。
关键词:  风景园林  健康城市  城市景观  建成环境  孕妇健康  妊娠结局
The Impact of Urban Built Environment on Maternal Health and Birth Outcomes: Research Progressand Prospects
WANG Lan,LEI Anni,ZHANG Yutong,JIA Yinghui,MIAO Maohua
Against the backdrop of China's increasingly challenging population problem, promoting maternal health and birth outcomes is one of the key measures to address population issues. Studies in public health, clinical medicine, and environmental science have confirmed that environmental factors such as temperature, air pollution, and noise can have an impact on the health of pregnant women and infants. From the perspective of healthy city planning, the built environment plays an essential yet often overlooked role in supporting maternal health and birth outcomes. In recent years, there are empirical studies have also pointed out the impact of urban built environments such as green spaces, transport facilities, and public facilities on maternal and child health, the impact of urban built environment on maternal health and birth outcomes still lack of an overview that demonstrates current research progress, which has hindered us from a panoramic understanding of this specific research field. Using pregnancy complications and birth outcomes as indicators of maternal and child health, this research attempts to work through a comprehensive literature review using databases such as CNKI, Web of Science, and PubMed, systematically explores the association between the urban built environment and health outcomes of pregnant women and offspring, aiming to provide a detailed synthesis of the research to date. The findings imply a significant influence of green space metrics such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and green space rate, road traffic measures including road density and walkability, and the availability of public service facilities, especially medical facilities, on maternal and pregnancy health. These impacts manifest through three primary mechanisms: risk factors of health (e.g., air pollution and noise), health behaviors (e.g., physical activity and social participation), and health resources (e.g., accessibility of medical services). From the perspective of measuring the built environment, existing research mainly focuses on exploring single urban built environment elements and has not yet formed comprehensive measurement indicators systems to demonstrate the complexity of influential mechanism. This lack has hindered in-depth conversations in this specific research field. From the perspective of maternal and child health measurement, it could be speculated that based on potential influencing mechanisms, certain pregnancy pathological indicators (such as thyroid dysfunction and pregnancy kidney dysfunction, etc), psychological health indicators (such as prenatal anxiety and childbirth fear), and postpartum rehabilitation indicators (such as pelvic recovery, rectus abdominis muscle rehabilitation, and pelvic floor rehabilitation) may be related to built environment factors. However, their association has not been discussed and deserves further research. Meanwhile, existing research has mostly focused on the health of pregnant women during pregnancy, with insufficient tracking of their longterm postpartum health status, presenting a limited understanding of the overall impact of the built environment during pregnancy. In terms of research perspective, existing studies mostly explore the relationship between built environment exposure and maternal health and pregnancy outcomes at the population level. However, pregnant women have different spatial abilities, preferences, and life experiences, which may lead to diverse spatial cognitive and behavioral patterns, thus the research results may not be categorized and analyzed properly. At present, most of the research in this field focuses on the impact of existing built environments on the health and pregnancy outcomes of pregnant women, with little tracking of the changes in built environments such as the impact of regional changes in maternal health and pregnancy outcomes. In terms of research methods, existing studies have a fairly strong preference of using quantitative research methods to explore the correlation between built environment and maternal health and pregnancy outcomes under big data measurement. However, quantitative research has certain limitations in exploring the mechanisms of influence, and qualitative research methods are needed to provide richer hypotheses, more hierarchical research frameworks, and analytical dimensions for quantitative research, in order to enhance the overall explanatory level of research in this field. In terms of the universality of the impact effect, current research has revealed the heterogeneity of the effects of urban built environment on maternal health and pregnancy outcomes among different populations. However, the impact mechanisms, thresholds, and practical standards that are specific to diverse populations with different ethnicity, financial conditions and social status have not been fully understood. As a result, these factors have not effectively guided specific spatial practices and further research is needed.
Key words:  landscape architecture  healthy city  urban landscape  built environment  maternal health  pregnancy outcome

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