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从乡野到城市中的自然:西方园林的 “隐逸”思想钩沉及其启示
作者简介:钱昊琛 1999年生/男/江苏苏州人/南京林业大学风景园林学院在读硕士 研究生/研究方向为风景园林历史与理论、城市开放空间规划与 设计(南京 210037)
在公园城市建设背景下,为更深刻地理解西方近现 代城市公园建设追求“自然与乡野”的文化心理,以发展史 观考察西方园林发展的内在主导线索。从古希腊《劳作与时 日》中所幻想的“田园黄金时代”,到中世纪西欧修道院的蔬 菜园、药草园,再到19世纪美国国家公园和城市公园运动, 梳理了西方园林中的“隐逸”思想发展脉络:田园化的“归 隐”(arcadia)思想、庄园化的“遂隐”(sanctuary)思想及公 园化的“隐逸”(oasis)思想。认为西方园林在不同时代始终追 求“自然与乡野”的深层根源是“隐逸”思想不间断的发展与 及时的外化,并提出中国当代城市公园回归自然的必要性及传 承本土园林传统的建议。
关键词:  风景园林  西方园林  隐逸  脉络梳理  自然
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金 (17YZCZH23);江苏省社会科学基金专项基金江苏文脉工程 研究工程(19WMB058)
From Rural to Urban Nature: Delving into the"Seclusion" Ideology in Western Gardens and ItsImplications
QIAN Haochen,ZHANG Fan,QIU Bing
In the context of park city construction, this study seeks to provide a more profound insight into the cultural psychology underlying the pursuit of "nature and countryside" in Western urban park construction during the modern and contemporary periods. It also aims to develop a historical perspective to examine the internal dominant clues of Western landscape architecture. This study traces the developmental trajectory of the "seclusion" ideology within Western landscape architecture, spanning from the idyllic "Golden Age of the Countryside" envisioned in ancient Greek literature "Erga kai Hmerai " to the cultivation of vegetable gardens and herb gardens within medieval Western monasteries, and further to the 19th-century American national park and urban park movement. This examination meticulously outlines the development of the "seclusion" ideology in Western landscape architecture, encompassing the pastoral "arcadia" concept, the manorial "sanctuary" philosophy, and the park-like "oasis" ideology. It is postulated that the enduring pursuit of "nature and countryside" in Western landscape architecture throughout various epochs can be attributed to the continuous evolution and timely externalization of the "seclusion" ideology. In light of these findings, this study advocates for the contemporary development of urban parks in China to prioritize a return to nature and the inheritance of Chinese traditional garden.
Key words:  landscape architecture  western garden  seclusion ideology  sorting out historical context  nature

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