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循景入圣:重阳殿壁画中的园林场景研究 ——以《南时作居》《誓盟道戒》为例
作者简介:黄 康 1996年生/男/山东济宁人/清华大学建筑学院在读博士研究生/研 究方向为风景园林历史与理论、文化遗产保护(北京 100084)
永乐宫壁画为中国古代绘画的罕见巨制,包含大量 园林景观图像,对园林史研究具有重要价值。基于风景园林学 视角,以永乐宫重阳殿壁画中的《南时作居》《誓盟道戒》为 对象,综合运用“文献与实例互证”“空间与形式分析”“图 像志与图像学解读”方法,对其园林场景展开研究,从“场景 描述”“要素识读”“空间解析”3个方面依次展开,细致解 读其要素内涵和空间特征。进一步揭示了画面通过“遴选要 素”“架设空间”和“营造意义”三大设计策略,营造了富有 宗教意义的园林场景,进而实现了对壁画主旨的视觉性传达。 旨在补充对永乐宫壁画中园林景观图像的研究、增益对宋元园 林景观形象的认识,同时发掘传统道教景观场所的环境特征。
关键词:  风景园林  永乐宫  重阳殿  壁画  场景  宋元 园林  道教景观
基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA199);国家自 然科学基金面上项目(51678325)
Exploring the Sacred through Scenery: A Studyon Landscape Settings in the Taoist Frescoes ofChongyang Hall: Taking Nanshi Zuoju and ShimengDaojie as Examples
HUANG Kang,LI Luke,FU Na,XI Jiulong,ZHAO Lingjie
The Taoist Frescoes of Yongle Palace are exceptional examples of ancient Chinese painting, featuring a wealth of garden and designed landscape depictions that make them highly valuable for the study of traditional Chinese gardens and designed landscape. Focusing on Nanshi Zuoju and Shimeng Daojie in Chongyang Hall, this paper provides an intensive analysis of the landscape settings in the Taoist frescoes using a comprehensive approach that includes literature, image and heritage verification, formal analysis, iconographic analysis, and iconological analysis from the perspective of landscape architecture. This study examines the connotations and characteristics of landscape elements and space in these paintings to contribute to discussions on gardens and landscapes during Song and Yuan Dynasties. Furthermore, the research reveals that through "element selection", "space design", and "meaning construction", the designers created distinctive landscape spaces with religious significance within these frescoes, achieving the visual communication of the frescoes' religious theme.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Yongle Palace  Chongyang Hall  fresco  landscape setting  gardens of Song and Yuan Dynasties  Taoist landscape

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