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秦汉时期京畿“城苑一体”背景下皇家 苑囿的涉水营建
作者简介:李奕成 1988年生/男/湖南衡阳人/博士/西南大学园艺园林学院副教授/ 东南大学建筑学院在站博士后/研究方向为风景园林历史理论与 遗产保护(重庆 400715)
:以皇家造园为主流的秦汉时期,笼山络野之苑囿主 动协同京畿区划及其理水需要而展现“涉水”营建特征,并助 推“城苑一体”规划传统的开启与定向。结合二重证据、空间 分析等方法,系统梳理秦、西汉、东汉各阶段印合政治意图、 栖居条件与人居理想的畿辅区规划主张及其相应水利建设情 况。据此分析各阶段诸苑囿边界划定、苑中苑布局是如何因应 于区域关键性水利设施及其水网结构,并回顾各苑因水理景的 做法与转向。顺应城苑关系“合一初立”“嵌联组织”而“圈 踞会同”历时演绎与地区水系整治“适”“理”而“控”的 目标牵引,郊野苑囿于区域层面展现“携苑缀域”“联苑笼 域”“分苑辖域”的空间抉择智慧。此流变过程不仅反映秦汉 苑囿应和一体经营思想而因时、在地的统调价值,也生动注脚 生成期造园实践“造景”之外的非凡意义。
关键词:  :风景园林  风景园林史  城苑一体  秦汉时期  郊野苑囿  涉水营建
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(52108064); 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助(2020M671306);中央 高校基本科研业务费(SWU-KT22053);重庆市社会科学规划 青年项目(2020QNYS76)
The Water-Wading Construction of Yuanyou in theContext of the "Integration of the Capital City andLandscape" during Qin and Han Dynasties
LI Yicheng,CHEN Tingfeng,GENG Huazheng,CHENG Yuning
During the Qin and Han dynasties, when royal gardens were the mainstay, the "water-wading" construction features of the Yuanyou with mountains and fields were built in coordination with the zoning of the capital region and its water management needs, thus contributing to the initiation and orientation of the planning tradition of "integrating the Capital city and Landscape". By combining dual evidence and spatial analysis, systematically reviewing the capital region planning concepts and corresponding water conservancy constructions of the Qin, Western Han, and Eastern Han dynasties, which were consistent with the political intentions, living conditions, and ideals of human beings, and analyzing how the boundary demarcation of the Yuanyou and the layout of the Yuanyou within the Yuanyou in each phase responded to the key water conservancy facilities in the region and the structure of the water network, we also reviewed the practice and turnaround of various Yuanyou in borrowing water to comb the landscape. Conforming to the capital city-Yuanyou relationship "unity form initial establishment" "embedded relationship organisation" and "circle entrenchment system together" over time interpretation, and regional water system remediation "adapting ""combing" and " controlling" of the goal of traction, the Yuanyou shows the spatial wisdom and choices of "bringing the Yuanyou to the area", "linking the Yuanyou to cage the area" and "dividing the Yuanyou to govern the area" at the regional level. This change not only reflects the unifying value of its philosophy of responding to the unity of management according to the time and place, but also vividly illustrates the extraordinary significance of generative period garden practices beyond gardening.
Key words:  landscape architecture  history of landscape architecture  integration of the capital city and landscape  Qin and Han dynasties  Yuanyou  water-wading construction

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