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基于UGC和三维点云模型的艺圃滨水岸线 观景适宜度研究
作者简介:陈 曦 1996年生/女/山东济南人/苏州大学建筑学院在读硕士研究生/研 究方向为风景园林规划与设计(苏州 215123)
以苏州古典园林艺圃为例,结合用户生成内容 (UGC)与三维点云模型,剖析古典园林中多元的景观形态 特征造成游客视觉感知偏好差异的影响因素。首先,借助 Python爬虫功能对UGC数据进行爬取,并运用Reality Capture构建艺圃三维点云模型;其次,通过对UGC影像数 据的信息提取与聚类分析得到典型景观类型和观景点,构建 景观偏好度和观景点适宜度评价模型。在此基础上,结合三 维点云模型建立景观偏好类型、视点核密度、视线通透性和 景观结构与观景点适宜度的关联,得到古典园林滨水岸线观 景点的营造规律。
关键词:  风景园林  古典园林  用户生成内容  滨水岸 线  空间营造  三维点云模型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(5217080539);苏州 园科协同创新中心项目基金(SY2022006);苏州大学人文社会 科学研究一般项目(2024013);国家自然科学基金青年科学基 金项目(52308072)
A Study on the Viewing Suitability of the WatersideShoreline of Yipu Garden Based on User GeneratedContent and 3D Point Cloud Model
CHEN Xi,XIAO Xiangdong,REN Yanzhao,ZHONG Yujia
Taking Suzhou classical garden Yipu as an example, user generated content (UGC) and 3D point cloud model are combined to analyze the influencing factors of the differences in tourists' visual perception preferences caused by the diverse landscape features in classical gardens. First, the UGC data are crawled with the help of Python crawler function, and the 3D point cloud model of the garden is constructed with Reality Capture. Secondly, through the information extraction and clustering analysis of the UGC image data, the study obtained typical landscape types and view points, and constructed landscape preference and view points suitability evaluation models. On this basis, the correlation between landscape preference type, view points kernel density, line of sight permeability and landscape structure and view points suitability is established by combining the three-dimensional point cloud model, and the creation law of view points along the waterfront of classical gardens is obtained.
Key words:  landscape architecture  classical garden  user generated content  waterfront  space construction  three-dimensional point cloud mode

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