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基于景观相似度的广东省传统村落景观群系 划分
作者简介:邹 诚 1995年生/男/安徽涡阳人/华南理工大学建筑学院在读博士研究 生/亚热带建筑与城市科学全国重点实验室成员/研究方向为风景 园林美学、文化遗产保护与风景资源规划(广州 510640)
传统村落是文化遗产的活化石,集中连片整治能实 现多元协同发展,利于统筹区域资源合理配置,凸显景观群风 貌。为探寻传统村落景观群系划分的有效途径,以广东省传统 村落为例,引入景观基因与文化地域性格理论,识别构成要 素,构建相似性指标体系计算景观相似度,同时借助聚类方法 划分景观群系,再提取群系基因,发现广东省共存在13个传统 村落景观群系,各景观群系基因的意境营造与审美追求体现了 风景园林美学中天人合一的审美理想、时空一体的设计思维、 情景交融的意境内涵、有无相生的空间处理。在此基础上,结 合群系特征、典型文化、流域分布与行政区划将广东省传统村 落划分出13个景观区,并构建其图谱,在空间分布、流域分布 和分布面积上皆存在2种变化与组合形式。传统村落景观群系划 分实现了资源有效整合与联动发展,以期为新时代传统村落可 持续健康发展提供新思路、新视角
关键词:  风景园林  风景园林美学  景观相似度  传统村 落  景观群系  群系划分
Landscape Cluster Classification of TraditionalVillages in Guangdong Province Based onLandscape Similarity
ZOU Cheng,TANG Xiaoxiang,HU Yujia,TAN Qian,FENG Yanqin
Traditional villages are the living fossils of cultural heritage, and centralized and contiguous improvement can realize diversified and synergistic development, which is conducive to integrating the rational allocation of regional resources and highlighting the landscape clusters. In order to explore the effective way to divide the traditional village landscape clusters, this study takes the traditional villages in Guangdong Province as an example, introduces the theory of landscape genes and cultural and regional character, identifies the constituent elements, constructs the similarity index system to calculate the degree of landscape similarity, and at the same time divides the landscape clusters with the help of the clustering method, and then extracts the clusters' genes, and finds that there are a total of 13 traditional village landscape clusters in Guangdong Province, and the landscape clusters' genes of the landscape clusters' contextual creation and the pursuit of aesthetics embody the aesthetic ideals of the unity of human and nature in the aesthetics of landscape architecture, the design thinking of the spatial-temporal unity, the connotations of the scenario of the contextualization of the intermingled contexts, and the spatial treatment of the existence of the existence and the absence. On this basis, the traditional villages in Guangdong Province are divided into 13 landscape areas by combining the characteristics of clusters, typical cultures, watershed distribution and administrative divisions, and their maps are constructed, and there are two variations and combinations in spatial distribution, watershed distribution and distribution area. The division of traditional villages into landscape clusters realizes the effective integration of resources and linkage development, in order to provide new ideas and perspectives for the sustainable and healthy development of traditional villages in the new era.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape architecture aesthetics  landscape similarity  traditional village  landscape cluster  cluster division

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