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中国城市公共绿地空间绩效研究的系统 综述
作者简介:彭 茜 1990年生/女/河南许昌人/博士/中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院 讲师/研究方向为城市绿地绩效评价、计算性城市设计(徐州 221116)
采用系统综述的方法,精细而定量地评估了近5年 中国城市公共绿地空间绩效的相关研究。围绕“城市公共绿 地空间绩效的多维度特征与关联影响因素”这一科学问题, 从循证的思维出发,识别并解析了有关城市公共绿地空间绩 效的代表性文献,更具客观性与证据力地探讨了人们如何使 用公共绿地空间,以及空间绩效的多维度特征。对“公共绿 地绩效”相关概念进行了多角度辨析,详细梳理了该领域的 发展历程和最新研究进展,并构建了一套系统的城市公共绿 地空间绩效研究框架,涵盖可达性、可用性和公平性3个维 度,以及社会与经济、区位与环境2类影响因素。解决了以往 关于城市公共绿地空间绩效的概念缺乏明确定义、缺乏严谨 性和系统性的研究角度梳理,以及难以表述和量化绿地功能 等问题,为进一步优化公共绿地空间品质提供了有价值且可 靠的理论支持。
关键词:  风景园林  城市公共绿地  空间绩效  系统综 述  多维度特征  关联影响因素
A Systematic Review of Studies on the SpatialPerformance of Urban Public Green Space in China
A systematic review method was adopted to meticulously and quantitatively evaluate the relevant studies on the performance of urban public green space in China over the past five years. Focusing on the scientific question of the "multidimensional characteristics of urban public green space performance and its associated influencing factors", this study employs an evidencebased approach to identify and analyze representative literature on the performance of urban public green space. It provides a more objective and evidence-driven exploration of how people use public green spaces and the multidimensional characteristics of their performance. The concept of "public green space performance" is analyzed from multiple perspectives, and the development history and latest research progress in this field are thoroughly reviewed. A systematic research framework for urban public green space performance is constructed, covering three dimensions of accessibility, usability, and equity, as well as two categories of influencing factors: social and economic factors, and locational and environmental factors. The study addresses previous issues such as the lack of clear definitions of the concept of urban public green space performance, a lack of rigor and systematic perspectives in research approaches, and difficulties in expressing and quantifying green space functions. This provides valuable and reliable theoretical support for further optimizing the quality of public green spaces.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban public green space  space performance  systematic review  multidimensional characteristics  associated influencing factor

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