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引入状态认知的景观特征评估三元体系 构建
作者简介:吴雨浓 1988年生/女/贵州遵义人/博士/西南大学园艺园林学院讲师/ 研究方向为乡村景观管护与发展、人景关系、景观特征(重庆 400715)
过去3 0 多年中, 景观特征评估( l a n d s c a p e character assessment,LCA)在世界范围内得到广泛推 广,包括景观特征识别和评价2个阶段。目前研究的重心主要 在识别阶段的方法和技术方面,而识别和评价阶段的研究逻辑 还有待强化,2个阶段的关系则有待挖掘。在传统LCA体系基 础上,需通过景观特征因子综合组成与权重赋予来聚焦化识别 阶段的对象,强调判断与赋值的过程,以进一步明确评价阶段 的目的和价值导向,引入和构建由构成、格局、属性三方面景 观指标组成的状态认知阶段,从而将传统LCA相互独立、分 离的二元体系转变为相互关联并具有逻辑递进的三元体系。目 的是进一步丰富、连续和深化LCA各阶段的研究内容,有助 于LCA向后端发展,以指导应用实践。
关键词:  风景园林  状态认知  三元体系  景观指标  景 观特征评估
Transformation of the Binary System for LandscapeCharacter Assessment into a Ternary System byIncorporating State Cognition
WU Yunong,PAN Yulian,SUN Yiyuan,DIAO Junyu,ZHANG Bin
Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) has been widely promoted worldwide in the past thirty years, including two stages: landscape character identification and evaluation. Currently, the research focuses mainly on the methods and techniques of the identification phase, while the research logic of the identification and evaluation phases needs to be strengthened and the relationship between the two phases needs to be explored. On the basis of the traditional LCA system, it is necessary to focus on the object of the identification through the comprehensive composition and weighting of landscape characteristic factors, and further emphasize the judgment and assignment to clarify the purpose of the evaluation. The state cognition is introduced and constructed by the composition, pattern, attributes of the three aspects of the landscape indicators, thus transforming the traditional LCA independent and separate binary system into an interrelated and logically progressive ternary system. The purpose is to further complete, continue and deepen the research content of each stage of LCA, which will help LCA to develop towards the back-end to guide the application practice.
Key words:  landscape architecture  state cognition  ternary system  landscape indicator  landscape character assessment

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