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作者简介:陆 磊 1998年生/男/江苏南通人/硕士/浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑 学院科研助理/研究方向为风景园林历史理论与遗产保护(杭州 311300)
关联性时景融合中国传统“天-地-人”思想,重视 天象与物候时景的关联属性,强调品赏山水林木时注重时令以 及与天象风景的结合。以南宋临安为例,系统梳理相关文献, 探讨了关联性时景的基本理论框架、审美流程、对象特征及价 值意义。研究指出,关联性时景具有“游-观-知-记”的审美 路径,南宋临安时景审美注重天象的多样性及时令的广泛性, 形成赏景循时的时景特征。关联性时景审美注重多元景观与多 感官体验,推动了时景名胜的优选,反映了中国传统时间观念 下的“情境”哲学,以期为现代风景园林时间性审美发展提供 启示。
关键词:  风景园林  时景  关联性时景  南宋临安  审 美  赏景循时
基金项目:杭州市哲学社会科学规划常规性课题(M24JC039); 国家自然科学基金项目(52278084)
A Study on the Characteristics of Correlative ShiJing in Lin'an during Southern Song Dynasty
LU Lei,JIN Hexian,BAO Yiyi
Correlative Shi Jing (关联性时景; corelative timespace) integrates the traditional Chinese idea of "heaven-earthhuman", emphasizes the correlation between heavenly phenomena and phenology scenery, and stresses the combination of seasonal and heavenly phenomena in appreciating mountains, waters, and trees. Taking Lin'an during Southern Song Dynasty as an example, the study systematically sorts out relevant literature and explores the basic theoretical framework, aesthetic process, object characteristics and value significance of correlative Shi Jing. It points out that correlative Shi Jing has the aesthetic path of "traveling-viewing-knowing-recording", and the Shi Jing aesthetics of Lin'an during Southern Song Dynasty focused on the diversity of heavenly phenomena and the wide range of time seasons, forming the Shi Jing characteristic of enjoying the scenery according to the time. The aesthetics of correlative Shi Jing focus on the value of diversified landscapes and multi-sensory experiences, which promote the optimal selection of Shi Jing scenic spots, and also reflect the philosophy of "Qing Jing (情境; situational scenery)" under the traditional Chinese concept of time, with a view to providing inspiration for the development of the temporal aesthetics of modern landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Shi Jing (time-scape)  correlative Shi Jing  Lin'an during Southern Song Dynasty  aesthetics  enjoying the scenery according to the time

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