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基于生态感知的景观生态格局构建新思路 与实施框架
作者简介:申佳可 1991年生/女/吉林长春人/博士/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 景观学系副教授/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计、生态系统服 务、绿色基础设施(上海 200092)
传统景观生态格局构建的手段依赖于静态量化分 析,忽略人类主体的动态作用及其主观认知,导致在实践中忽 视了不同地域、文化和人群赋予景观的特定人文与社会属性。 引入生态感知理论,并构建针对地方性特质、价值与需求分析 的复合性生态感知指标体系,旨在将人类主观认知与客观分析 相结合,将对景观静态格局与时空动态过程的评估相融合,将 对自然生态的尊重与人类需求的满足相并重,并基于对景观的 整体认知构建具有地域人文社会属性的景观生态格局。生态感 知过程包括4个模块:直观感受与要素识别、信息理解与特征 认知、价值融入与景观评估、需求匹配与优先级识别。这些模 块通过现代技术手段与人类感官感知的结合,实现对景观空间 多维度、动态性的综合评估。基于生态感知方法,为十堰市构 建了“三极、两带、两片、两心、多点、多廊”的景观生态结 构与网络格局,该格局体系不仅能保护自然生态系统的稳定与 健康,还充分反映了区域人地关系和人地共生特性。
关键词:  风景园林  生态感知  景观生态格局  主客观结 合  人地关系  评价指标体系
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(52238003);国家自 然科学基金青年基金项目(52208076)
A New Approach and Implementation Framework forConstructing Landscape Ecological Patterns Basedon Ecological Perception
SHEN Jiake,LI Ye,WANG Yuncai
Traditional landscape ecological pattern construction means rely on static quantitative analysis, neglecting the dynamic roles of human and their subjective perceptions. This oversight leads to the disregard of specific humanistic and social attributes assigned to landscapes by different regions, cultures, and populations in practice. This paper introduced the theory of ecological perception and constructed a composite ecological perception index system tailored to local characteristics, values, and needs. The aim is to integrate human subjective cognition with objective analysis, merging assessments of static landscape patterns with spatiotemporal dynamic processes, balancing respect for natural ecology with human needs, and building landscape ecological patterns imbued with regional humanistic and social attributes based on a holistic understanding of the landscape. The ecological perception process includes four modules: intuitive perception and element recognition, information understanding and character cognition, value integration and landscape evaluation, and need matching and priority identification. These modules combine modern technological means with human sensory perception to achieve a comprehensive multi-dimensional and dynamic assessment of landscape spaces. Based on the ecological perception method, a landscape ecological structure and network pattern of "three poles, two belts, two zones, two centers, multiple points, and multiple corridors" were constructed for Shiyan City. This pattern system not only protects the stability and health of natural ecosystems but also fully reflects the regional human-environment relationship and the characteristics of human-environment symbiosis.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological perception  landscape ecological pattern  integration of subjective and objective perspectives  human-land relationship  evaluation index system

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