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生态智慧视角下的自然教育景观设计研究 ——以城市固废处置设施为例
作者简介:汪 辉 1973年生/男/重庆人/博士/南京林业大学风景园林学院教授,博 士生导师/南京林业大学国家公园与保护地研究中心主任/研究方 向为生态园林规划与设计(南京 210037)
:自然教育景观能够提升公众对人与自然和谐发展的 认知,有利于生态文明建设,近年来受到了广泛的关注。此 类景观不仅应该包含对自然事物本身的了解,更应反映其背 后所蕴含的生态智慧,而生态智慧正是重构人与自然互惠共 生关系的关键。在资源循环利用的背景下,城市固废处置设 施逐渐增多,其科普宣教与景观改造的需求亦逐渐增强。基 于此,深入分析生态智慧中理论智慧和实践智慧的内涵,探 讨自然教育中认知学习与实践能力的培养内容,提出传递生 态智慧的自然教育景观设计框架与总体目标。以城市固废处 置设施——南京玖生渼餐厨垃圾处理厂为例,从内容提取和 景观表达2个方面,进行环保型垃圾处理厂自然教育景观设计 实践,以期为自然教育景观设计提供有益借鉴。
关键词:  风景园林  生态智慧  自然教育  资源利用  固 废处置设施  景观设计
Research on Nature Education Landscape Designfrom the Perspective of Ecological Wisdom: Takinga Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Facility as a CaseStudy
WANG Hui,DING Zhifan,HU Hanyu,TU Qingpo,CHE Yue
Natural education landscapes can enhance public awareness of the harmonious development between human and nature, thereby contributing to the construction of ecological civilization. In recent years, these landscapes have garnered widespread attention. Such landscapes not only encompass an understanding of natural phenomena but also reflect the ecological wisdom behind them, which is crucial for reconstructing the mutually beneficial relationship between human and nature. In the context of resource recycling, there has been a gradual increase in the number of municipal solid waste disposal facilities, and the demand for science education and landscape renovation is also increasing. Based on this premise, the paper thoroughly analyzed the theoretical and practical implications of ecological wisdom, explored the components of cognitive learning and practical skills in nature education, and proposed the design framework and overall objective for natural education landscapes that convey ecological wisdom. Taking the municipal solid waste disposal facility - Nanjing Jiushengmei Food Waste Disposal Plant as a case study, and focusing on content extraction and landscape expression, the paper conducted a practical exploration of designing natural education landscapes for an environmentally friendly waste disposal plant, aiming to provide valuable insights for the design of natural education landscapes
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological wisdom  nature education  resource utilization  solid waste disposal facility  landscape design

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