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国家公园社区支持游憩的可持续性评估与 空间模式选择——以武夷山国家公园为例
作者简介:余翩翩 1995年生/女/湖北荆门人/北京林业大学园林学院在读博士研究 生/研究方向为国家公园规划与管理(北京 100083)
游憩利用是国家公园生态价值转化及全民公益性理 念体现的关键途径,社区支持游憩(CBR)有助于将保护与社 区生计联系起来,在保护生物多样性的同时促进社区发展。参 考CBR理念并结合中国国情,提出国家公园CBR的概念内涵 和系统特征。在厘清CBR模式应用于国家公园内在逻辑的基 础上,以武夷山国家公园为例,建立涵盖空间分布特征、关键 影响要素和可持续性水平的国家公园CBR发展潜力评价分类 体系,对国家公园CBR模式适宜社区及其可持续性进行空间 识别和类型划分。研究表明,案例地社区可分为游憩驱动型、 特色挖掘型、协调发展型和保护优先型4种CBR发展模式。研 究结果可为国家公园社区科学选择游憩发展模式提供定量评价 依据,为制定和优化国家公园游憩发展策略提供支持。
关键词:  风景园林  国家公园  社区支持游憩  空间模式  武夷山国家公园
基金项目:北京林业大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目 (2023SKY19)
Sustainability Assessment and Spatial PatternsSelection of Community-based Recreation inNational Park: An Empirical Study of WuyishanNational Park
YU Pianpian,LIU Yantong,PAN Kaichen,HONG Jingxuan,ZHANG Yujun
Recreational use is a key way to transform the ecological value of national parks and embody the concept of public welfare. Community-based recreation (CBR) helps to link conservation and community livelihood, and promote community development while protecting biodiversity. Based on the concept of CBR and China's national conditions, the concept connotation and system characteristics of CBR for national parks are put forward. On the basis of clarifying the internal logic of the application of CBR model to national parks, taking Wuyishan National Park as an example, a classification system of CBR development potential evaluation for national parks was established covering the spatial distribution characteristics, key influencing factors and sustainability level, and spatial identification and type classification were carried out for the suitable communities and their sustainability in the CBR model of national parks. The research shows that the case community can be divided into four CBR development modes: recreation-driven type, characteristic mining type, coordinated development type, and protection-first type. The results of this study can provide a quantitative evaluation basis for the scientific selection of recreation development models by national park communities, and provide decision-making support for the formulation and optimization of national park recreation development strategies.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national park  community-based recreation (CBR)  spatial pattern  Wuyishan National Park

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