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植物群落特征对居住区风环境健康性的 影响研究——以北京多层板式小区为例
作者简介:彭 蕾 1996年生/女/北京人/北京林业大学园林学院硕士/城乡生态环境 北京实验室/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计(北京 100083)
从人体呼吸健康的角度,提出健康风速区的概念,并 计算相应的风速范围。以北京地区多层板式小区为研究对象, 利用调研数据构建植物模型,逐项模拟植物群落的形态特征(群 落高度、群落宽度)和结构特征(群落叶面积指数、群落冠下高 度)对居住区健康风速区面积的影响。结果表明:居住区户外风 环境可以通过调节植物群落提升健康性。在形态特征方面,健 康风速区面积随着群落高度和群落宽度的增加而增加,高大乔 木多、占地面积大的植物群落可显著提升风环境的健康性;在 结构特征方面,群落叶面积指数和群落冠下高度与健康风速区 面积之间呈现先递增、后递减的非线性函数关系。群落宽度对 风环境健康性的影响程度最大。以高大乔木为主、冠层疏松或 种植分散的植物群落更有利于改善风环境的健康性。在北京多 层板式小区的布局下,增加绿化面积和高大乔木的数量、加强 管理养护、维持植物群落疏密程度对于创造健康的户外风环境 具有重要意义
关键词:  风景园林  风环境  健康  植物群落  居住区绿 化  数字模拟
基金项目:北京林业大学热点追踪项目(2022BLRD05);北京 市共建项目专项资助(2019GJ-03)
Research on the Influence of Plant CommunityCharacteristics on the Health of Residential WindEnvironment: Taking Multi-storey Slab ResidentialArea in Beijing as an Example
From the perspective of human respiratory health, the concept of healthy wind area was proposed and its wind speed range was calculated. Taking multi-storey slab residential areas in Beijing as research objects, this study builds plant models based on survey data, and simulates the influence of morphological characteristics (height and width) and structural characteristics (LAI and height under canopy) of plant community on the healthy wind area in residential areas. The result reveals that the wind environment of residential areas can be improved by adjusting plant communities. In terms of morphological characteristics, healthy wind area increases with height and width. Plant communities with more tall trees and larger covering area can significantly improve the health of wind environment. As for structural characteristics, there comes a curve regression relationship that increases first and then decreases. Among them, width has the greatest influence on the health of wind environment. Plant communities with more tall trees, sparser canopy or scattered planting location are more conducive to strengthen the health of wind environment. Under the layout of multi-storey slab residential areas in Beijing, increasing the area of green space and number of tall trees and enhancing management to maintain the density of plant communities make sense to create a healthy outdoor wind environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  wind environment  health  plant community  residential greening  digital simulation

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