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基于步行连续性的城市健身步道空间 挖掘与选线设计研究——以青岛主城四区 为例
高连续性路径空间是步行健身行为高效性与安全性 的重要保障。当前城市建设中,能够被大众高效利用的健身 步道呈碎片化分布,全民健身导向下亟须在现有城市空间中 进行高连续性的步道网络化构建。以青岛主城四区为例,基 于连续性目标,通过对OSM数据的爬取与处理,形成适于连 续度赋值的城市基础路网数据。挖掘具有高连续性特征的铁 路沿线、高架走廊、滨河沿海、环景观外边界路径等潜力空 间融入步道选线设计,提出与地铁站点相结合的高连续性选 线技术路线。基于ArcGIS网络分析计算成本最小路径,兼顾 路口等级及公园、绿地、湖泊等自然资源的紧邻性进行步道 选线规划,并从连续度水平、便捷可达性、环境舒适性、空 间多元性几方面对选线结果进行探讨。该选线途径有助于提 升城市步行运动环境的健身利用效能,为实现高连续性的健 身步道网络构建提供设计支持。
关键词:  风景园林  步行连续性  健身步道  空间挖掘  步 道选线设计  青岛主城区
Mining of Urban Fitness Space and Trail Development Design Based on Principles of Walking Continuity: A Case Study of the Central Area of Qingdao
ZHAO Yang,LIU Deming,YUE Naihua,CHENG Zheng
High continuous path is an important factor influencing high efficiency and safety of walking fitness behavior. In the current urban construction, the distribution of fitness trails that can be efficiently used by the public is scattered. Under the background of national fitness, it is urgent to carry out network construction of trails in the existing urban space. Taking the central area of Qingdao as an example, the urban basic road network data with the value of continuity is obtained through Open Street Map crawling and processing. Based on the utilization and continuity optimization of existing space along railways, space under viaducts, riverside and coastal space, outer boundary space of landscape, the principle of high continuity trail development design combined with metro POI is proposed. The GIS-based network analysis tool is used to calculate the minimum cost path for trail development design, making corrections with the distribution of urban parks, green space, lakes and other resources as well as existing independent trails, and the accessibility and utilization mode of trail development design are verified and discussed. This trail development approach provides design support for the construction of high-continuity trail network by exploiting the available potential space of the city, and contributes to the shaping of continuously accessible urban walking environment.
Key words:  landscape architecture  walking continuity  fitness trail  space mining  trail development design  Qingdao central area

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