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作者简介:李沂蔓 1994年生/女/广东惠州人/华南理工大学建筑学院风景园林系在 读博士研究生/研究方向为风景园林理论与历史(广州 510641)
中国传统园林的时间性孕育于具体的生活事件当中,是过去、现在、将来相互依存的当下呈现,园林花木体验是典型体现。近代中国社会变革中,西 方时间制度影响了中国园林的时间性体验。以花木交游生活为视野,以近代广州园林为例,探索园林的时间性体验。立足园林花木交游诗文、图像与近代市政档 案、报刊等材料搜集与分析,从时间性体验方式和尺度展开探索。研究表明“居游”与“展览”是近代花木交游中重要的时间性体验方式,“园圃”与“盆瓶” 体验尺度构建了其中联系,连结了公园与私园、传统与现代的时间性体验。研究结果补充了近代中国园林体验的探索,发掘传统园林时间性体验在大众群体、公 共场所、当代语境下的延续途径,为中国传统园林文化的活态传承提供了启示。
关键词:  风景园林  园林时间性  园林花木体验  园林交游  近代广州园林
Temporality of Garden: Exploration of Experiences of Garden Communion by Plants in ModernGuangzhou
LI Yiman,,YUAN Xiaomei*
The temporal construct of Chinese gardens transcends the realms of physical chronometry and extrinsic teleology, embracing instead a dynamic interdependence among the past, present, and future, vividly manifest in the ephemerality of the experience. In the tapestry of Chinese garden experiences, time is not an abstract concept; it deviates from a linear, sequential progression in favor of an immersive, tangible experience, rich with the life narratives embedded within discrete events. Current academic discourse on the temporality of Chinese gardens frequently centers on plants as a pivotal subject of analysis. However, much of the research has concentrated on the garden's construction and appreciation through the lens of external temporal markers, with less attention given to the holistic exploration of intrinsic, fleeting experiences. Furthermore, the temporal backdrop of these studies is predominantly anchored in antiquity or modernity, with a conspicuous absence of in-depth examination of the transition era. Amidst the social metamorphoses of modern China, Western temporal paradigms progressively infiltrated into the quotidian existence of the Chinese populace, prompting a transition from agrarian and seasonal timekeeping to the temporal metrics characteristic of an industrialized society. Gardens, as an integral facet of daily life, underwent significant evolution, and the temporal experiences encapsulated by garden plants resonated with these transformations. Guangzhou, being a city at the forefront of numerous institutional reforms, has preserved a wealth of textual and visual evidence for scholarly investigation. This paper adopts the perspective of social interactions in the gardens, themed around plants, using the modern Guangzhou (1840-1949) as a research background to delve into the temporal experiences of gardens. Two modes of garden experience in social interactions centered on plants "wandering-dwelling" and "exhibition", and the two scales of garden experience "garden plots" and "miniature landscape" are analyzed. The analysis of the "wandering-dwelling" experience is anchored in specific garden life scenarios, with case studies focusing on the plant-themed interactions in Deng Dalin's Apricot Grove Garden (Xinglin Garden) in the late Qing Dynasty and Mo Mufu's Dawn Green Garden (Xiaolü Garden) during the Republic of China era. The "exhibition" experience analysis is conducted by examining the historical records of exhibitions in traditional gardens and parks in Guangzhou from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China period, thereby elucidating the associated temporal experiences. On this basis, the study further discusses the two temporal experiential scales: "garden plots" and "miniature landscape", to explore the transmission and communication of temporality during the plant-themed social interactions through the gardens. It unveils a traditional Chinese intrinsic temporality that stands in contrast to the focus on external temporal markers, and excavates the specific contexts and perpetuation methods of temporal experiences in modern Guangzhou, as it transitioned from private gardens to public parks, and from traditional courtyard gardens to new-style gardens, with plants as the cornerstone. The study reveals that: 1) "Wandering-dwelling" is the quintessential modality of temporal experience in private garden plant-themed social interactions, which encompasses a holistic spatiotemporal and instantaneous sensory experience. "Exhibition" is a significant modality of plant-themed social interactions in public gardens, encapsulating the objectives of revitalization and public education during the Republic of China era, with a primary focus on seasonal floral viewing experiences, and perpetuating and conveying traditional "wandering-dwelling" experiences in miniature landscapes exhibitions like flower arrangement. 2) The garden's spatiotemporal contexts are scaled within 'garden plots' and 'miniature landscapes', forging connections between 'wandering-dwelling' and 'exhibition' experiences. The "garden plot" scale integrates Western and modern temporal experiences within parks, while in private gardens, it embodies the traditional garden's temporal experiences of "wandering-dwelling". The "miniature landscape" scale builds bridges between parks with private gardens, tradition with modernity, and within confined spatial parameters, it not only supports "wanderingdwelling" experiences but also expands the subjects and manifestations of temporal experiences through "exhibitions". In conclusion, this study enriches the exploration of temporal garden experiences during the transition period from tradition to modernity from the vantage point of social interactions in gardens, contributing to the discovery of the enduring pathways of traditional literati garden experiences within mass groups, public spaces, and contemporary contexts. It offers insights into the living heritage and dynamic preservation of traditional Chinese garden culture, providing a bridge between the past and the present while offering a lens through which to view the evolution of garden cultural practices in the context of modernity.
Key words:  landscape architecture  temporality of garden  garden experience of plants  garden communion  modern Guangzhou garden

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