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景村传导视角下景边型传统村落生态敏感性的空间解析与布局优化——以桂林旧县村 为例
作者简介:李欣原 1990年生/女/广西桂林人/硕士/桂林理工大学土木工程学院建 筑学教研室副主任,讲师/广西绿色建材与建筑工业化重点实验 室/研究方向为传统村落保护、传统村落生态发展与文旅(桂林 541001)
基于景村传导的新视角,凸显景边型传统村落的生态特性,运用空间地理信息、层次分析法、高斯方程、信息熵等方法,一是叠加景观资源传导研究, 二是开创了景村之间的人流、空间活力地理信息流、保护效力价值流的传导研究。相应推演出自然生态和人文生态、人类活动的生态敏感性分区图。通过集成分 析推导出村域空间生态敏感性分析图。结论有助于找出重点关注的生态敏感性区域及生态敏感性的主要影响因子,助力优化空间布局和理性规划决策。
关键词:  风景园林  景边型传统村落  景村传导  生态敏感性  量化分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52268010);广西绿色建材与建筑工业化重点实验室开放基金项目(桂科能18-J-21-3,桂科能18-J-21-2);广西研究生教育 创新计划项目(YCSW2024387)
Spatial Analysis of Ecological Sensitivity and Layout Optimization for Traditional Villages aroundScenic Area from Landscape-Village Conduction Perspective: A Case Study of Jiuxian Village in Guilin
LI Xinyuan,,XU Weinan,,LIU Lirong*,,JI Jingjuan
Embarking from the innovative viewpoint of landscape-village (LV) conduction, this approach accentuates the dual environmental ecological characteristics of natural and human ecology within the traditional villages that are around scenic area. By employing a suite of analytical tools including spatial geographic information, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Gaussian equations, and information entropy, a comprehensive conduction analysis is conducted. This analysis is devided into hierarchical levels of environmental ecology and human activity factors. The first part of the analysis delves into the synergistic effects of landscape resources that are integrated within the L-V framework and subsequent conduction of ecological landscapes. The second part, which is groundbreaking, considers humans as the conduit for the flow of people, the vitality of spatial geographic information, and the value flow of protective efficacy between different L-Vs. This methodology leads to the deduction of an ecological sensitivity influencing factor system that encompasses both environmental ecology (including natural and human ecology) and human activities. A robust ecological sensitivity evaluation index system is constructed by integrating a variety of analytical methods such as judgment matrix analysis, the Delphi method, and consistency tests. Using Jiuxian Village in Guilin as a case study, an ecological sensitivity evaluation analysis is conducted, yielding an ecological sensitivity zoning map that outlines the village's secondlevel influencing factors. These factors include natural ecology, human ecology, tourist conduction from the scenic area, the vitality of the village's public spaces, and L-V protective efficacy. Through an integrated analysis, a village spatial ecological sensitivity analysis map is derived, providing a detailed blueprint for understanding the ecological sensitivities within the village's spatial context. The study reveals that at the landscape level, the ecological sensitivity evaluation indicates that mountainous areas are the most sensitive, with water bodies following closely behind. However, when human activities are superimposed on the influence, tourist behavior conduction significantly increases the ecological sensitivity of the Yulong River, a consequence of its popularity for rafting among tourists. The mountains, with their steep slopes, are significant landscape resources rather than recreational areas for tourists, thus experiencing less human disturbance and relatively lower sensitivity. Nevertheless, mountains in proximity to construction land experience more human activity, leading to a slight increase in sensitivity. At the level of natural villages, there is little variation in environmental ecological sensitivity among the villages. However, when human activities are taken into account, the ecological sensitivity of Xinzhai and Xiatang increases due to a rise in tourist numbers within the villages, a lack of adequate tourism services and corresponding facilities. Jiuxian and Xinglongzhai have the next highest sensitivity, as the increase in tourist volume is accompanied by relatively well-developed tourism services and facilities. Chuanshan and Dashizhai have lower sensitivity due to their relatively inaccessible transportation, lack of distinctive village characteristics, and sparse tourist presence. Based on the aforementioned spatial ecological sensitivity analysis results, the village is optimized spatially, adhering to principles of public participation and scientific rigor, holistic connectivity, and graded zoning. This optimization delineates the village's environmental protection area and the layout of the village's agricultural tourism industry. Spatial analysis further deduces the functional zoning under these areas, including the environmental ecological protection area, tourism resource core developing area, the tourism industry promotion area, the tourism industry reserve area, and the pastoral scenery display area. Corresponding planning and development strategies are proposed for each of these zones. The research outcomes are instrumental in identifying key ecological sensitivity areas and the primary influencing factors of ecological sensitivity. They contribute to the optimization of spatial layout and inform rational planning decisions, ensuring that ecologically sensitive areas are given the attention they require and that development strategies are aligned with ecological preservation and enhancement. This approach not only facilitates the conservation of ecologically fragile zones but also promotes sustainable development that is mindful of the delicate balance between human activity and environmental preservation. By enhancing our understanding of L-V conduction and its implications on ecological sensitivity, we can better navigate the complexities of land use planning and resource management. This research provides a framework for villages around the world situated in proximity to scenic area, offering a model for sustainable development that is both people-centric and environmentally conscious. The detailed analysis and subsequent strategies proposed in this study serve as a valuable guide for policymakers, urban planners, and environmentalists alike, as they strive to create harmonious living environments that respect and protect the natural world
Key words:  landscape architecture  traditional villages around scenic area  L-V conduction  ecological sensitivity  quantification analysis

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