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作者简介:朱镱妮 1998年生/女/湖南岳阳人/北京林业大学园林学院在读博士研究 生/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计(北京 100083)
城市绿地指标直接反映城市绿地的数量和质量水平,关乎城市绿地系统能否满足居民美好生活需要。原城乡规划体系下各类标准规范规定的城市绿地指 标体系较完善,但通过对2021年城市建设统计年鉴中城市绿地现状数据和部分城市编制的规划成果进行分析,发现还存在影响规划指标科学确定的两方面不足: 1)现状绿地指标由于建成区范围、人口和公园绿地等统计口径不统一,导致统计数据有偏差;2)规划绿地指标由于体系层级缺乏、部分指标采用困难等原因,导 致“三类”规划成果指标体系不完整,成果质量难以保障。随着中国国土空间规划体系的建立,新出台标准对中心城区边界和建成区范围划定提出了明确规定, 虽然从体系层级增加、统计口径统一等方面为解决城乡规划体系中城市绿地指标存在的短板问题提供了契机,但城市绿地指标体系仍不完整。基于此提出国土空 间规划体系下城市绿地指标适应性融合的研究思路,以及“统筹互补-增加层级-无缝对接-绿线划定-固化地位”的技术路径和“五方面十四条”适应性融合策 略,整体构建市县级国土空间“三类”规划中的城市绿地指标体系,以期为“三类”规划编制提供参考
关键词:  风景园林  市县级国土空间“三类”规划  城市绿地  指标体系  适应性融合策略
Adaptive Integration Strategy of "Three Types" Planning Urban Green Space Index System in City andCounty Territorial Space
ZHU Yini,LI Chi*
The three types of land space planning at the city and county levels - master plans, detailed plans, and relevant special plans - serve as essential frameworks for guiding urban and rural development, ecological protection, and resource allocation. Among these, urban green space system planning is an indispensable component that plays a crucial role in enhancing the ecological environment and improving the quality of life for urban residents. Urban green space indicators reflect both the quantity and quality of urban green areas, serving as standards for assessing the scale and layout of the green space system. These indicators are also fundamental in ensuring equitable access to green benefits for urban residents. Consequently, the scientific validity of the urban green space indicator system is critical, as it determines the capacity of the urban green space system to meet residents' needs for an improved quality of life, directly influencing urban sustainability. Currently, the territorial spatial planning system is guided by new standards such as the Code of practice for territorial and spatial planning at provincial-level, Guidelines for the preparation of municipal territorial spatial master planning (Trial), and Spatial planning guidance to community life unit. However, the number of urban green space indicators specified in these standards is limited, resulting in inadequate support for green space planning within the three types of planning. The Ministry of Natural Resources has mandated that the approval of municipal and county territorial spatial master plans be completed by June 30, 2023. Following this deadline, the special and detailed plans for green space systems, as subordinate plans, will commence new compilations or revisions. Thus, it is crucial to leverage the existing urban green space indicator system to conduct research on adaptive integration and enhance the indicator system within the three types of land space planning at the municipal and county levels in accordance with land space planning policy standards. An analysis of urban green space indicators outlined in multiple standards from the previous urban and rural planning system reveals significant deficiencies that impede effective planning implementation and scientific decision-making. Despite being relatively well-defined by various standards, the existing urban green space indicators still face challenges related to data collection and the actual execution of planning indicators. For instance, an examination of urban green space data in the 2021 Urban Construction Statistics Yearbook, alongside planning results from several cities, highlights two critical deficiencies: 1) the current green space indicators deviate from reality due to the absence of a solid basis for their determination, inaccuracies in the population data of built-up areas, and excessive statistics on parks and green spaces; and 2) the planning green space indicators fail to reflect actual conditions due to the lack of systematic hierarchy among the planning indicators. The absence of a structured system for planning green space indicators and the challenges associated with certain indicators have led to an incomplete indicator framework for the three types of planning outcomes. This limitation has constrained the original urban and rural planning system's ability to support high-quality planning. With the establishment of China's territorial spatial planning system, newly issued standards delineate the boundaries of central urban areas and built-up areas. This advancement presents an opportunity to address the shortcomings associated with urban green space indicators in the urban and rural planning system and enhances the accuracy of green space statistics. Nevertheless, the national land spatial planning system relies on a limited number of indicators - such as the area of green space and open space, the proportion of urban construction land, and per capita green space area - which do not comprehensively capture the scale and quality of green spaces. Additionally, discrepancies between planning and physical examinations further complicate the planning process, rendering the urban green space indicator system incomplete and undermining the quality of green space system planning. In summary, it is essential to conduct adaptive integration research between the national spatial planning system and the improved urban green space indicator system derived from the original urban-rural planning framework. This approach aims to rectify the deficiencies present in both systems and establish a comprehensive urban green space indicator system within the three types of national spatial planning at the municipal and county levels. This study proposes a research framework for the adaptive integration of urban green space indicators under the land space planning system, outlining a technical path that includes "integration and complementarity, enhanced standards, seamless connectivity, delineation of green lines, and solidification of status". Furthermore, it presents an adaptive integration strategy encompassing five aspects and 14 components. The research seeks to realize the adaptive integration of urban green space indicators from both the original urban-rural planning system and the land space planning system, ultimately constructing a unified urban green space indicator system for the three types of land space planning at the city and county levels. This system aims to provide a reference for establishing urban green space planning indicators in the new era of "three types" of land space planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  "three types" planning at city and county territorial space  urban green space  index system  adaptive integration strategy

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