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面向多目标权衡的环武夷山国家公园城乡 居民点用地布局优化研究:基于多源数据 和蚁群算法
作者简介:傅田琪 1998年生/女/浙江台州人/硕士/福建农林大学风景园林与艺术 学院、武夷山国家公园研究院科研助理/研究方向为国家公园与 自然保护地(福州 350002)
优化国家公园周边城乡居民点用地布局对统筹国家 公园建设和区域发展具有重要意义。如何实现多目标的权衡 和统筹是用地布局优化的瓶颈。基于多源开放数据优化评价 指标体系,结合多目标加权法改进蚁群算法建构面向多目标 权衡的环国家公园城乡居民点用地布局优化模型,并以毗邻 武夷山国家公园的5个县市为研究区域,探索权衡保护与发展 目标的布局优化方案。结果显示:1)环武夷山国家公园城乡 居民点用地布局主要集中在5个县市的城区,外围零星分布; 2)国家公园周边适宜区和较适宜区分别占总面积的5.38%和 29.44%;3)基于梯度设定了紧凑度和适宜性的权衡方案, 并基于比较分析确定最佳推荐方案。以期为国家公园周边城乡 空间规划优化与可持续发展提供技术支持和案例参照。
关键词:  福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2022J01613)  福 建农林大学校杰青项目(XJQ2021S2)
基金项目:福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2022J01613);福 建农林大学校杰青项目(XJQ2021S2)
Multi-Objective Trade-off Optimization of Layout forUrban-Rural Settlements around Wuyishan NationalPark: Based on Multi-Source Data and Ant ColonyAlgorithm
FU Tianqi,LIAO Lingyun,CHEN Daliang,CAO Yue,LAN Siren
Optimizing the spatial layout of urban and rural settlements surrounding national parks is crucial for harmonizing national park conservation with regional development. However, achieving multi-objective trade-offs and overall planning is the bottleneck of land layout optimization. Based on multi-source open data to optimize the evaluation index system, we combined with the multi-objective weighting method to improve the ant colony algorithm to construct a multi-objective trade-off oriented optimization model for urban and rural settlements around the national park, and took the five counties or cities around Wuyishan National Park as the study area, to explore the optimization of the layout of the trade-off between conservation and development objectives. It was revealed that, 1) Urban and rural residential areas around Wuyishan National Park were predominantly concentrated in the urban centers of five counties and cities, with sporadic distributions in the periphery. 2) Suitable and relatively suitable areas around the national park comprised 5.38% and 29.44% of the total area respectively. 3) A trade-off scheme between compactness and suitability based on gradient analysis was proposed and the optimal scheme was identified through comparative analysis. The study will provide technical support and a reference case for optimizing and sustainably developing spatial planning in areas surrounding national parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national park  multi-objective optimization  ant colony algorithm  regional planning

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