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我国自然保护地用途管制的现状特征、 问题与建议
作者简介:李可心 1994年生/女/北京人/清华大学建筑学院景观学系在读博士研究 生/工程师,注册城乡规划师/研究方向为国家公园规划与保护管 理、风景旅游规划设计(北京 100084)
采用定性与定量相结合的文本内容分析方法,明晰 中国自然保护地用途管制的现状特征、问题,并探究其系统 性、框架性的完善对策。将现行用途管制规定概括为“顶层设 计”“传导衔接”“管制规则”“实施监管”四方面。经发掘 提出当前存在的四大问题:用途管制顶层设计不全面不系统、 国土空间与自然保护地传导衔接笼统粗放、空间准入管制规则 不统一不适应、实施监管流程复杂且部门协同不足。进而针对 性提出顶层设计“体系化”、传导衔接“精确化”、管制规则 “科学化”与实施监管“高效化”的建议,以期为我国自然保 护地的可持续保护与利用以及国土空间开发保护制度的建立提 供参考
关键词:  风景园林  自然保护地  用途管制  国土空间  规划
Current Characteristics, Problems and Suggestionsfor the Use Control of Protected Areas in China
LI Kexin,ZHUANG Youbo,SONG Songsong
This paper adopts a combined method of qualitative and quantitative text content analysis to clarify the current characteristics and problems and explore framework-oriented and systematic strategies for the use control of protected areas in China. The related regulations are summarized into four aspects, namely, the top-level design, the transmission and connection, the rules of control, and the implementation and supervision. Four major problems have been identified: the top-level design for use control is not comprehensive or systematic; the transmission and connection between territorial space and protected areas are vague and primitive; the control rules for spatial access are neither standardized nor well-adapted; and the implementation and supervision processes are complex and lack coordination. It also puts forward problem-oriented suggestions: systematization of top-level design, precision in transmission and connection, scientification of control rules, and enhancement of efficiency in implementation and supervision. The aim is to provide a reference for the sustainable protection and utilization of protected areas and the establishment of the system of territorial spatial development and protection
Key words:  landscape architecture  protected area  use control  territorial space  planning

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