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促进健步行为的公园景观要素图景序列 构建——以上海世纪公园为例
作者简介:王 南 1984年生/女/江苏南京人/博士/注册城乡规划师/南京工业大学 建筑学院城乡规划系硕士生导师/研究方向为健康景观、风景园 林规划与设计(南京 211816)
随着公共健康意识的提升,更多的人偏爱在便捷可 及、景色优美的公园环境中健步,通过智能设备记录运动轨迹 与生理反馈,为“公园健步”这类景观行为的相关研究提供了 大量依据,引发对景观环境、健步行为、生理响应三元之间互 动关系的探索,以科学量化园景要素与运动指标的反馈机制, 提出促进健步行为的公园景观规划设计。研究内容包括:1)通 过爬取Strava平台大数据信息,获得各运动路线与节点上步 行、慢跑、跑步3类健步人群的心率和速度2项生理指标; 2)结合世纪公园实景照片的语义分割结果,提取17种公园景 观要素;3)采用Spearman相关性模型分析景观环境、健步 行为与生理响应三元之间的数理关系,总结不同心率与速度对 应的公园景观场景特征;4)遵循运动训练规律,构建3类健步 的场所吸引、训练提升、恢复缓和场景模块,绘制公园景观要 素图景序列。研究表明:促进健步行为的公园景观要素图景各 有不同,树木、水域、围挡、天空等要素的多样组合能够引导 各个训练阶段的健步行为,为健步适宜型公园的规划设计提供 参考。
关键词:  风景园林  公园景观要素  健步行为  生理响应  图景序列  世纪公园
Construction of Landscape Scenes Sequence ofParkview Elements to Facilitate Walking, Jogging,and Running: A Case Study of Century Park inShanghai
WANG Nan,WEI Weixuan
With the increase in public health awareness, more people prefer to engage in walking, jogging, and running in conveniently accessible and scenic park environments. By using smart devices to record their exercise trajectories and physiological feedback, a substantial amount of data has been provided for research related to the landscape behavior of "park walking", which leads to the exploration of interactive relationship among landscape environment, walking, jogging, and running behavior, and physiological response to scientifically quantify the feedback mechanism between park-view elements and exercise indicators. Based on this, the park landscape planning and design which facilitate walking, jogging, and running behavior are proposed. This study includes: 1) By crawling large data information from Strava platform, two physiological indicators – heart rate and speed – are obtained for walkers, joggers, and runners on their exercise routes and nodes; 2) Combining the semantic segmentation results of actual photos from Century Park, 17 types of park-view elements are extracted; 3) Spearman correlation model is used to analyze the mathematical relationship among landscape environment, walking, jogging, and running behavior, and physiological response to summarize characteristics of park-view scenes corresponding to different heart rates and speeds; 4) Following the principles of sports training, scene modules for site attraction, training improvement, and recovery moderation of walking, jogging and running are created, in which means landscape scenes sequences are constructed. It indicates that park-view elements that facilitate walking, jogging, and running behaviors differ from one another. The diverse combinations of elements such as trees, water, fences, and sky can guide walking, jogging, and running behaviors at various training stages, providing a reference for planning and design of parks suitable for walking, jogging, and running.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape element in park  walking, jogging, and running behavior  physiological response  landscape scenes sequence  Century Park

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