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基于“主位”视角的黄土台塬传统村落风土 景观解析——以八景和歌谣民谚为线索
作者简介:林晓丹 1985年生/女/山东德州人/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院在站博 士后/研究方向为风土聚落的保护与再生(上海 200092)
选取黄土台塬的传统村落作为研究对象,借用景观 人类学的理论范式,以田野调查中采集到的村落“八景”“八 怪”和歌谣民谚等民间话语所提供的村民“主位”视角为线 索,识别该地域风土景观的构成要素及要素之间的关联性,总 结地方风土景观的表达模式,并揭示其背后的生成机理。研究 结果表明,这些口头文学对地方性风土景观的表达主要存在 4种模式:1)表达与特殊地貌相关的村落周边环境;2)表达与 文化意向相关的村落轮廓特征;3)表达与当地旱涝频发的极端 气候相关的村落骨架结构特征;4)表达与地方历史脉络和生产 生活方式相关的关键节点特征。
关键词:  风景园林  八景  歌谣  传统村落  黄土台塬  风 土景观
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金项目(2024M752410);陕西 省哲学社会科学研究专项(2023HZ1774);陕西省社会科学基 金年度项目(2022J046)
Analysis of Vernacular Landscape of TraditionalVillage in Loess Platform from the Perspective of"Emics": Taking Eight Scenes and Folk Proverbsas Clues
LIN Xiaodan,CHANG Qing,GUO Jianwei
This paper analyzes the village "eight scenes" and local ballads together, and selects the traditional villages in the Loess Plateau as the main research object. Using the theoretical paradigm of landscape anthropology, this paper analyzes the local landscape characteristics constructed from the emic of villagers provided by the "eight scenes" and local ballads. From the research results, the "eight scenes" of villages are constructed from four different levels: the settlement and its surrounding environment, the overall shape of the settlement, the landmark landscape of the settlement, and the local social scene. It reflects the natural and cultural landscape system and ecological wisdom of traditional villages in the Loess Plateau to cope with the natural and geographical environment with ravines, the climatic pressure of drought and flood coexistence, the frequent outbreak of social unrest, and the Confucian cultural environment dominated by Confucianism in central Shaanxi.
Key words:  landscape architecture  eight scenes  ballad  traditional village  loess tableland  vernacular landscape

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