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基于大数据的城市绿化树种气候适宜性 匹配研究
作者简介:徐 捷 1989年生/女/浙江诸暨人/西南大学农业资源与环境流动站在站 博士后/研究方向为园林植物对气候变化的响应、气候变化下的 数字化景观设计(重庆 400715)
:园林绿化树种在城市景观中发挥着重要作用,是减 轻气候变化负面影响的有力工具。以中国重要林业树种木兰属 植物为例,基于物种分布和气候的大数据集构建了物种分布模 型。结果表明:1)我国木兰属植物在气候适宜性方面存在显 著的种间差异,且在水分-热量条件的权衡限制下占据着特定 的气候生态位;2)在54种木兰中筛选出潜在的耐旱型木兰14 种、耐热型木兰10种、耐寒型木兰6种;3)以华北地区3个代 表性城市沈阳、北京、西安为例进行了树种与城市之间的气候 适宜性匹配,证明水分条件是制约木兰属植物在我国暖温带及 中温带地区分布的关键因素,并筛选确定了一系列具有推广种 植潜力的木兰种。采用的数据分析方法为不同气候条件下的城 市绿化树种选择提供了理论指导,可用于我国木本植物区系 的快速筛选,在植物引种和迁地保护等方面具有长远的应用 前景。
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿化  树种选择  气候适宜性  大 数据分析  木兰属
Climate S u i t a b i l i t y Matching for UrbanLandscaping Tree Species Based on the Analysisof Big Data
XU Jie,GOU Minxin,CHEN Xinping,ZHOU Jianhua
Tree species plays an important role in urban landscape construction and it is a powerful tool for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Taking Magnolia genus as an example, species distribution models were constructed based on the large datasets on species distribution and climate. The results showed as follows: 1) 54 Magnolia species had significant interspecific differences in climate suitability and occupied specific climate niches under the tradeoff between moisture and heat conditions; 2) Fourteen, ten and six species with potential drought, heat and cold tolerance were predicted of 54 Magnolia species, respectively; 3) Taking three representative cities in North China, Shenyang, Beijing and Xi'an, as examples, climate suitability matching between tree species and cities was carried out. It is proved that water condition was the key factor limiting the distribution of Magnolia in warm and middle temperate zones of China. Meanwhile, a series of Magnolia species with the potential of spreading planting were identified. The data analysis method used in this study provides theoretical guidance for the selection of urban landscaping tree species under different climate conditions, which can be applied to the rapid screening of woody flora in China and has a long-term application prospect in plant introduction and ex situ protection.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban landscaping  tree species selection  climatic suitability  big data analytics  Magnolia

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