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成都人民公园空间的层积分析及变迁 动因研究
作者简介:周 波 1964年生/男/重庆人/博士/四川大学建筑与环境学院教授,博士 生导师/研究方向为城乡与区域规划的理论与方法、城市人居环 境科学(成都 610065)
成都人民公园是中国重要的近现代城市公园遗产之 一,是见证城市发展与公共需求变化的重要城市历史公园,具 有不可忽视的城市历史景观遗产价值。采用历史层积分析对成 都人民公园发展脉络进行梳理,将其空间历史变迁分为普通游 园初创、传统公园转型、现代公园建设、现代公园完善和公园 城市营造5个时期,整理各时期形态与功能变迁,探寻其变迁 的内在动力。将公园的层积关系分为反复、重建、共存和成长 4种主要模式,探索公园建设的层积变化:基于自然条件,综 合历史事件、治园观念、文化活动和人群变化等因素,公园空 间形态由封闭、单一和无序转向开放、多元和有序,承担职能 从功能杂乱的小游园转化为集休闲、文化、健身和爱国教育为 一体的综合性园林。分析成都人民公园空间的历史变迁动因与 机制,能够为中国近现代城市公园遗产保护与发展补充实证, 为当代城市公园文脉与底蕴的探寻提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  成都人民公园  层积分析  空间形态  变迁动因
基金项目:成都市重点研发支撑计划科技项目“基于物联 网技术的成都市立体绿化管控智慧应用平台研究”(编号 2022-YF05-00265-SN)资助
Stratification Analysis and Change Dynamics ofChengdu People's Park Space
ZHOU Bo,CAO Wenchang,FENG Tian
Chengdu People's Park is a significant urban historical park in China, showcasing the city's development and changing public needs. It has distinct heritage value in terms of historical landscapes. This article analyzes its development in five periods: initial establishment as an amusement park, transition to a traditional park, evolution into a modern park, further improvement, and integration into urban space. Changes in form and function during these periods are explored. The study categorizes park layering relationships as repetition, rebirth, coexistence, and innovation, examining tangible and intangible elements affected by natural shifts, historical timelines, governance concepts, cultural activities, and user demographics. The park's spatial morphology has transformed from being closed and disordered to being open, diverse, and organized, offering leisure, culture, fitness, and patriotism. This research provides empirical support for heritage preservation and development in modern Chinese urban parks, offering insights for contemporary urban parks to explore their cultural context and heritage.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chengdu People's Park  stratification analysis  spatial form  change motivation

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