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基于“感知-偏好-人格”的传统园林花木 人格化研究:以《全唐诗》松树为例
作者简介:1997年生/男/云南腾冲人/西南林业大学园林园艺学院在读硕 士研究生/研究方向为风景园林历史与理论、健康景观(昆明 650224)
:景观偏好是个体、群体或民族对特定景观的态度和 偏好。历史悠久、意蕴深远的传统园林花木景观偏好和人格化 现象,推动了中华民族健康和谐的社会人格构建,意义重大。 花木五感景观偏好与人格关联是关键科学问题。引入人格神经 科学,首先从花木影响人格发展的“感知-偏好-人格”神经心 理过程,构建研究框架;其次,以古代大数据《全唐诗》所见 松树为例,基于NVivo软件和扎根理论方法,发现:1)诗人 偏爱松树,共有3 044首描写松树五感景观的唐诗,占比高达 6.22%;2)其中,以视觉景观为主,听觉和触觉次之,占比分 别为82.85%、10.09%和9.23%;3)松树视觉“青”“霜 雪”“孤”“鹤”“风云月”等和听觉“风中松声”共计 1 432个编码,体现了中华民族集体松景观偏好,与坚韧不 屈、贞节不阿、超凡脱俗的“百木长”松格建立关联。“感 知-偏好-人格”研究框架,能较为全面有效地揭示传统花木 五感景观偏好与人格内在关联。
关键词:  风景园林  《全唐诗》  松树  扎根理论  景观 偏好  花木人格化
基金项目:云南兴滇英才支持计划项目“云南传统园林康养 功效及机制研究”(编号YNQR-GDWG-2020-019)和云南 省教育厅科学研究基金项目“基于《全唐诗》《全宋词》中 国传统园林花木‘感知-偏好-人格’形成路径研究”(编号 2023Y0755)共同资助
A Study of Traditional Garden Plant PersonificationBased on "Perception-Preference-Personality": TheExample of Pine Trees in The Complete Tang Poems
YIN Yisu,LIU Juanjuan
Landscape preference refers to the attitudes and preferences of an individual, community, or ethnic group for specific landscapes. Preference for traditional garden plants that reflect the deep-rooted and rich garden culture of China, together with the personification of landscapes, plays a significant role in the formation of a healthy and harmonious social personality for the Chinese people. It is scientifically important to explore the connection between landscape preference for plants and personality. Supported by theories in personality neuroscience, this study constructs a research framework based on the neuropsychological process of "perception-preference-personality", in which flowers and trees contribute to personality development. Subsequently, taking the pine trees in The Complete Tang Poems (the "big data" in this case) as an example, and using NVivo software and the grounded theory research method, the study found that: 1) Poets preferred pine trees, with a total of 3,044 Tang poems on the landscape of pine trees, accounting for 6.22% of the entire collection; 2) Among them, visual landscapes account for the biggest share, followed by auditory and tactile landscapes, accounting for 82.85%, 10.09%, and 9.23%, respectively; 3) Visual landscapes such as "green", "frost and snow", "loneliness", "crane", "wind, clouds, and moon", and auditory landscapes such as "sound of pines in the wind" have a total of 1,432 codes, which shows the collective landscape preference of the Chinese people for pine trees. This has contributed to three personalities of the pine tree as "Baimuchang" ("the best tree in the forest"): tenacity, integrity, and transcendence. The research framework of "perception-preferencepersonality" demonstrates comprehensively and effectively the inherent relationship between landscape preference for traditional plants and personality.
Key words:  landscape architecture  The Complete Tang Poems  pine

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