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作者简介:1992年生/女/河南安阳人/博士/中国城市建设研究院有限公司高 级工程师/研究方向为城市生态评估与规划(北京 100120)
生态系统服务综合管理是保障城市生态安全和优化国 土空间格局的重要途径。城市中心城区生态空间稀缺、生态环 境压力大、居民需求多样,面临着生态系统服务供需空间分异 大、生态管控复杂的问题。因此,量化城市生态系统服务供给 和需求,识别生态供给与居民需求的空间分布差异,是提升生 态系统服务供给效率的重要途径,也是支撑城市用地空间进行 科学规划管控的关键。以桂林市中心城区为例,利用生态系统 服务供需比测度城市水源涵养、降温效益、雨洪调节、碳汇服 务、土壤保持、生物多样性保护和游憩服务7项生态系统服务供 需水平,并基于聚类分析识别了5类生态系统服务供需簇,耦合 供需匹配与失衡区、生态保护区,划定三级生态保护与管控区 和两类生态修复与功能提升区。依据分区的生态本底特点、分 区内各类服务供需水平等,提出分级分类的管控指引和优化策 略,以期为城市生态空间的规划与管理提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  供需匹配关系  生态 空间识别  生态分区管控  高密度城区
Research Progress of Urban Ecological Space in theContext of Territorial Spatial Planning
WANG Wenjing,WANG Guoyu,YANG Mulan,MU Xiaohong,ZHU Zongwei
Integrated management of ecosystem services is an important way to ensure urban ecological security and optimize the spatial pattern of national territory. With scarce ecological space, high pressure on ecological environment, and diverse needs of residents, the central urban area was confronted with a strong spatial differentiation between the supply and demand of ecosystem services and complicated ecological management. Therefore, the quantification of urban ecosystem service supply and demand, and identification of spatial distribution differences between ecological supply and residents' demand, is an important way to enhance the efficiency of ecosystem service supply, and also a key to supporting scientific planning and management of urban land use. In this study, based on ecosystem services supply-demand ratio, the supply and demand of seven ecosystem services, namely water conservation, cooling effect, rainfall regulation, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, biodiversity protection, and recreation, in the central urban area of Guilin were measured as an example. The supply-demand bundles of ecosystem services were identified by cluster analysis. Coupling supply-demand matching and imbalance zones and ecological protection zones, and three levels of ecological conservation zones and two types of restoration zones are delineated. Based on the zones of ecological characteristics and the supply-demand of ecosystem services, the grading and classification management and control guidelines were proposed. This study can provide a reference for urban planning and management of ecological space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem services  supplydemand matching relationship  ecological space identification  ecological zoning management  high-density urban area

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