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城市公园特征对游憩活力影响的时空异质性 研究
以上海市外环线以内10个城市公园为研究对象,通 过OLS与GTWR回归模型,建立了游憩活力与公园内部空间特 征及外部环境特征的联系,探索了游憩活力的影响因素和时空 异质性。结果表明:1)城市公园游憩活力在时间层面上存在差 异性,而在空间层面上存在聚集性,城市公园特征对游憩活力 的影响具有明显的时空异质性;2)游憩设施密度、草坪覆盖率 等指标呈现出稳健的正向影响,但水体覆盖率、归一化植被指 数等的影响情况随着时空变化而改变;3)道路条数与居住商 业用地比对公园活力具有显著正向影响,而地铁线路条数与公 交站数量的影响并不稳健,随空间变化而产生较大差异。结论 为高密度城市公园的有机更新和活力提升提供理论依据和实证 参考。
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园特征  游憩活力  时空异质 性  社交媒体数据  时空地理加权回归
A Study on the Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneityof the Influence of Urban Park Characteristics onRecreational Vitality
TAO Zheng,DING Jiahui,WANG Ling,CHEN Dan
This study explored the factors influencing recreation vitality and spatio-temporal heterogeneity in 10 urban parks within the outer ring road of Shanghai. By establishing OLS and GTWR regression models, the study examined the relationship between recreation vitality and the internal spatial characteristics of parks, and external environmental characteristics. The results show that: 1) there is variability in urban park recreation vitality at the temporal level and aggregation at the spatial level, and the influence of urban park characteristics on recreation vitality has obvious spatial and temporal heterogeneity. 2) Indicators such as the density of recreation facilities and lawn coverage show a robust positive influence, but the influence of water coverage and normalized vegetation index changes with spatial and temporal changes. 3) The number of road trips and residentialcommercial land use ratio can significantly and positively influence park vitality, while the effects of the number of subway lines and bus stops are not robust but vary significantly with space. The findings of the study provide a theoretical basis and empirical research for the organic renewal and vitality enhancement of highdensity urban parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park characteristics  recreation vitality  spatio-temporal heterogeneity  social media data  geographically and temporally weighted regression

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