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基于考古发掘报告的履道坊白居易宅园 区位、尺度与布局的再探究
20世纪90年代中国社科院考古所在洛阳履道坊白 居易宅园遗址附近进行了大规模发掘工作,随后在《考古》期 刊上发表了《履道坊白居易故居发掘简报》,此后有多篇论文 根据此简报对履道坊白居易宅园进行了复原想象研究;2014 年,《隋唐洛阳城1959—2001年考古发掘报告》出版,其 中有关履道坊白居易宅园的考古记录比《简报》更为详细,这 为进一步探究履道坊白居易宅园提供了更为准确的客观数据支 持。以考古数据为基础,将所有考古尺寸数据叠合、分析、类 比并推导出白宅的范围尺寸,最终得到白宅面积接近唐洛阳 “十七亩”的结论并确定了其“宅-庭-池”的基本结构;同 时以前人研究成果为参考,结合白居易诗文与《九老图》等文 献资料,对履道坊宅园的结构布局进行了更进一步的推测。
关键词:  风景园林  白居易  履道坊  中国古典园林  空 间布局
Re-exploration of the Location, Scale and Structure of the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang Based on the Archaeological Excavation Report
ZHANG Ning,ZHU Yufan
In the 1990s, the Institute of Archaeology of The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences started large-scale excavation in the vicinity of the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang. Later, a Brief Report on the Excavation of the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang was published in the journal Archaeology. Subsequently, a number of papers conducted restoration imagination research on the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang based on this brief report. In 2014, The Archaeological Excavation Report of Luoyang City in Sui and Tang Dynasties from 1959 to 2001 was published, in which the archaeological records of the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang were more detailed than the brief report, which provided more accurate and objective data for further research. Based on the archaeological results, with all the archaeological size data superposition, analysis, analogy and the derived range of the size of the Garden of Bai Juyi, the conclusion was made that the area of the garden was close to "17 mu" equivalent to Luoyang in Tang Dynasty and determined its "house - courtyard - pool" basic structure; and with previous research results as reference, combined with Bai Juyi's "Chi Shang Pian" and "Jiulao Tu" and other documents, the layout of the Garden of Bai Juyi in Lüdao Fang was further speculated about.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  Bai Juyi  Lüdao Fang  Chinese ancient garden  space layout

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