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多元分析技术介入的国土生态空间规划 探究——以湖北省襄阳市为例
生态空间规划从传统城乡规划体系的“补丁”跃迁 为当今国土空间规划体系的重要先行系统,多元分析技术介入 的评估路径是合理了解生态空间本底特征和制定规划管控策略 的科学保障。以襄阳市为例证区域,运用生态敏感性分析、生 态系统服务功能评估、最小阻力模型、电路理论廊道模拟等多 元技术遵循“本底评价-格局优化-分级管控”的路径逐级开展 生态空间规划。襄阳市生态空间占比56.33%,共识别35个 生态源地和73条最佳生态廊道;构建“一干七支、西屏北网、 三楔四区多点”的襄阳市生态安全格局;制定生态空间分级分 要素管控策略和用途管制的正负面清单,并提出“护绿、增 绿、补绿”的生态修复策略。以期对新时代国空体系下的生态 空间规划实践有示范和引领作用。
关键词:  风景园林  生态空间规划  多元定量技术  生态安 全格局  生态空间管控
Research on Ecological Space Planning Using Multivariate Analysis Technologies—Taking Xiangyang City in Hubei Province as an Example
HAN Yiwen,HU Shiqi,WAN Mingxuan,WAN Min
Ecological space planning has transitioned from the "patch" of the traditional urban and rural planning system to an important leading system in new Chinese territorial space planning system recently. Using the multivariate analysis could guarantee the scientific planning and management based on the rational understanding of characteristics of ecological spaces. Taking Xiangyang City as an example, multiple technologies were applied according to the framework of "background evaluation - pattern optimization - hierarchical control management", such as ecological sensitivity analysis, ecosystem service evaluation, least resistance model, corridor simulation based on circuit theory, etc. The results showed ecological space occupied 56.33% of Xiangyang City. 35 ecological sources and 73 optimal ecological corridors were identified. The ecological security pattern of Xiangyang City showed as "one main stream and seven tributaries, western barrier and northern network, three green wedges, four divisions, and multiple nodes". The management control strategies, the positive and negative list of use control, and the ecological restoration strategies - protecting green, increasing green, and replenishing green, were proposed. The research is expected to have a demonstration and leading role in the practice of ecological space planning in the new era of the territorial space planning system
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological space planning  multivariate quantitative technique  ecological security pattern  ecological spatial management and control

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