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从植物景观空间尺度变化的角度研究了瞻园中的南 假山和北假山的植物景观在不同历史时期的空间尺度变化, 运用对比、图解、量化的方法,讨论分析植物在这一特定景 观环境中的植物景观尺度变化及其带来的影响,并提出未来 适宜的植物尺度建议,为江南古典园林遗产原真性保护和当 前园林植物景观尺度设计提供借鉴和指导。结果表明瞻园北 假山处植物景观尺度仍在适宜范围内,背景植物观赏视角为 16°~25°;南假山植物尺度呈现不适宜趋势,背景植物观 赏视角为38.4°;综合考虑空间尺度和视线适宜性的条件 下,北假山处植物高度的适宜参考值H=16~30.7m,最佳 参考值H=15~27.7m,南假山处背景植物高度的适宜参考值 H=6.4~19.25m,最佳参考值H=9.4~11.1m。同时2处景 点由于植物种类的变动导致的景点的文化性略有缺失。
关键词:  风景园林  瞻园  古典园林  植物  空间  尺度
Study on the Spatial Scale Changes of the Plant Landscape of Zhanyuan Rockery
ZHANG Qingping,MAO Qing,JIA Xingxing
From the perspective of the spatial scale changes of plant landscape, this paper studies the spatial scale changes of South and North Rockeries in Zhanyuan Garden in different historical periods, discusses and analyzes the scale changes of plant landscape and its impact in this particular landscape environment by means of comparison, diagram and quantification, and proposes suitable plant scale recommendations in the future. It can provide reference and guidance for the authenticity protection of Jiangnan classical garden heritage and the scale design of current garden plant landscape. The results show that the plant landscape scale of the North Rockery of Zhanyuan Garden is still in the suitable range, and the viewing angle of the background plant is 16°-25°. The plant scale of the South Rockery is not suitable, and the viewing angle of the background plant is 38.4°. Considering the spatial scale and sight under suitable conditions, the reference value of the plant height at the North Rockery H=16-30.7m, and the best reference value H=15-27.7m. The reference value of the background plant height at the South Rockery H=6.4-19.25m, and the best reference value H=9.4-11.1m. At the same time, due to the change of plant species, the cultural characteristics of the two scenic spots are slightly missing
Key words:  landscape architecture  Zhanyuan Garden  classical garden  plant  space  scale

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