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城市森林公园植物群落与空气负离子 空间分布的关系——以武汉马鞍山森林公园 为例
以武汉市马鞍山森林公园为例,以植物群落的生物 特征和地理特征为变量、空气负离子浓度(NAI)为观测指标, 对春季马鞍山森林公园植物群落与空气负离子空间分布的关系 进行分析。研究表明:1)马鞍山森林公园空气负离子浓度与 植物群落生物特征变量(平均树高、冠层高度)和地理特征变量 (坡度)呈显著性正相关(P<0.05),其中冠层高度对空气负离 子浓度回归模型相关性显著(P<0.05)。2)马鞍山森林公园空 气负离子高浓度区域主要分布于森林公园北部沿湖区域和南部 山体区域,植物群落构成分别为马尾松群落、枫香群落、川桂 群落、板栗+檵木群落、香樟+杜英群落、枫香+马尾松群落、 马尾松+冬青群落;空气负离子低浓度区域主要分布于公园中 部和入口平地区域,植物群落构成分别为槲栎+山胡椒群落、 板栗+冬青群落、化香群落、檵木群落;44个植物群落空气清 洁度(CI)变化区间为0.13~0.89,CI空间分布与空气负离子 浓度分布趋势相似,其中位于马鞍山山脊的马尾松群落和赵家 山山脊的马尾松+枫香群落空气清洁度CI达到清洁(B)级别。 3)马鞍山森林公园空气负离子浓度最高值出现在8:00— 10:00,最低出现在16:00—18:00;CI最高值出现 在12:00—14:00,CI值为0.45,接近中等清洁级别; 8:00—10:00和16:00—18:00时段CI相差不大,CI值 为0.33~0.34,为允许级别。研究结论将为量化评价城市森林 公园的微气候环境效应及功能性空间规划设计提供理论基础。 关 键 词:园林植物;城市绿地;植物群落;空气负离子 (NAI)浓度;空间分布;马鞍山森林公园
关键词:  园林植物  城市绿地  植物群落  空气负离子 (NAI)浓度  空间分布  马鞍山森林公园
Relationship between Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Plant Communities and Negative Air Ions in Urban Forest Park—A Case Study of Ma'anshan Forest Park
ZHU Chunyang,CHEN Yiru,GUO Huijuan,CHEN Yuyang
With Ma'anshan Forest Park in Wuhan as an example, the effect of plant community on negative air ions (NAI) in urban forest park was analyzed. Based on the investigation on the biological and location characteristics of plant community and the NAI concentration, the effects of different plant communities on the spatial and temporal distribution of NAI were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) the NAI concentration was positively correlated with mean height (MH), crown height of plant community (CH) and the slope (S) variables, and the CH was significantly correlated with NAI regression model (P<0.05). (2) The higher NAI concentration areas were distributed in the northern lake and southern mountain of Ma'anshan Forest Park and the plant communities included Pinus massoniana, Liquidambar formosana, Cinnamomum wilsonii, Castanea mollissima + Loropetalum chinensis, Cinnamomum camphora + Elaeocarpus decipiens, Liquidambar formosana + Pinus massoniana and Pinus massoniana + Ilex chinensis; the lower NAI concentration areas were located in the middle and entrance of the park with flat terrain and the plant communities included Quercus aliena + Lindera glauca, Castanea mollissima + Ilex chinensis, Platycarya strobilacea and Loropetalum chinensis. The air cleanliness index (CI) in 44 plant communities ranged from 0.13 to 0.89, and the spatial distribution of CI was trended with NAI. The Pinus massoniana located at the top of Ma'anshan Mountain and Liquidambar formosana + Pinus massoniana located at Zhaojiashan Mountain showed a CI of B level. (3) The NAI concentration of plant communities in park was the highest at 8:00-10:00 and the lowest was at 16:00-18:00. The maximum of CI was 0.45 with a middle cleanliness (C) level and occurred at 12:00-14:00. The CI was 0.33-0.34 with a D level at 8:00-10:00 and 16:00- 18:00. The study will provide basis for quantifying to evaluate the environmental microclimate effect and functional planning for Ma'anshan Mountain Park.
Key words:  landscape plant  urban green space  plant community  Negative Air Ions (NAI) concentration  spatial and temporal distribution  Ma'anshan forest park

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