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城市公园景观感知效应动态评价方法 ——基于景观视觉与热舒适性的叠加研究
结合景观感知主体(人群)的多样性和时间动态性, 将城市公园景观视觉与热舒适性叠加,构建评估模型与方法, 动态评价城市公园景观感知效应。首先,选择基本视觉元素 和视觉敏感度两方面共6项指标计算景观视觉空间分布;其 次,基于实测校正ENVI-met模型,模拟2h间隔的生理等效 温度(PET),再利用热感觉投票获得热舒适性的空间分布; 最后,依据季节和早中晚时间序列,对于少年、青年和中老年 3类人群,利用现场访谈与问卷调查统计,确定景观视觉与热 舒适性的叠加权重,获得动态评价结果。针对中老年人群在重 庆市沙坪公园进行实证分析,得出秋季的早中晚叠加评价结果 与实地调查结果较为相符。该评价方法结合景观视觉和热舒适 性,基于人群构成,构建了城市公园景观感知效应的时间动态 评价图谱,为城市公园景观空间环境的规划设计、感知制图,
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园  景观感知效应  景观视觉  热舒适性  动态评价
A Dynamic Evaluation Method of Landscape Perception in Urban Park—Based on Combining Landscape Vision and Thermal Comfort
HAN Guifeng,WANG Yunxin,CHENG Xiaoxue
In order to quantitatively analyze the comprehensive effect of landscapes in urban park, the visual effect of landscape and thermal comfort are coupled, combined with the diversity of landscape perception subjects (people) and temporal dynamics of landscape. Then the evaluation model is established and is applied to evaluate dynamically the landscape perception effect of urban park. Firstly, six indictors selected from the basic visual elements and visual sensitivity are used to calculate visual landscape value in each grid, so as to obtain the spatial distribution of visual landscape. Secondly, the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) is simulated every two hours using ENVI-met based on parameters corrected by measured data. Then the spatial distribution of thermal comfort is obtained by the voting of thermal feeling. Finally, according to the season and the time of the day, the weights of landscape vision and thermal comfort are calculated for juvenile, youth, and the middle-aged and old people, by field interview and questionnaire survey statistics, and then a series of dynamic evaluation results can be obtained. Taking Shaping Park in Chongqing City in autumn as an example, this study makes an empirical analysis and compares it with the field survey. The combining evaluation results in morning, noon and evening for the middle-aged and old people are consistent with the reality. The evaluation method proposed in this paper can obtain the time dynamic evaluation map of the park landscape perception effect according to the population composition, which provides a new idea for the study of the perception mapping of urban park landscape and the quantitative measurement of the comprehensive physiological and psychological effects of the urban park
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park  landscape perception effect  landscape vision  thermal comfort  dynamic evaluation

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