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基于协同论的城市绿地系统布局调适 ——以上海市为例
:在《城市绿地规划标准》(GB/T 51346—2019) 实施背景下,鉴于“生命共同体”重要论断对城市绿地系统规 划提出协同论的理论支撑。在梳理协同论概念与进展基础上, 借鉴增长协同度量化模型,系统探究2002—2018年中国绿 地增长协同度的演化特征,从而框定上海市绿地增速低的研究 背景。借鉴耦合协同度量化模型,通过建构绿地系统内源驱动 力、外源影响力的评价指标体系,定量分析2006—2015年 上海城市绿地系统内部功效之间、与外部社会经济发展之间耦 合协同作用的时间分异特征,并根据结论进行主城区尺度、市 域尺度、城市尺度的绿地系统布局调适。测算结果表明,调适 方案能在一定程度上改良绿地子系统功效之间的协同性能。通 过协同论建构绿地系统的耦合协同测度体系并优化调适,为城 市绿地系统规划提供了一种新的研究思路和方法途径。
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  绿地系统规划  协同论  协同度  布局调适
Urban Green Space System Layout Adjustment Based on the Synergetic Theory—A Case of Shanghai
LI Tao
Under the background of the implementation of the national standard "Urban Green Space Planning Standard", in view of the important judgment of "Life Community", this paper puts forward the theoretical support of Synergy for urban green space system planning. On the basis of combing concept and progress of Synergy, this paper systematically explores the evolution characteristics of green space growth synergy degree in China from 2002 to 2018 based on quantitative model of growth synergy degree, so as to frame the research background of the low growth rate of green space in Shanghai. Based on the coupling synergy degree quantitative model, this paper analyzes the temporal differentiation characteristics between internal efficiency of Shanghai urban green space system and external social and economic development from 2006 to 2015 through construction of evaluation index system of internal driving force and external influence of green space system. According to the conclusion, the green space system layout of main city scale, urban scale and urban-rural scale is adjusted. The results show that the adjustment scheme can improve the synergy performance of the green space subsystem to a certain extent. Through the Synergy Theory, the coupling synergy quantitative system of green space system is constructed and optimized, which provides a new research idea and method for urban green space system planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  green space system planning  Synergy Theory  synergy degree  layout adjustment

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