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作者简介:刘 堃 1980年生/女/山西太原人/博士/哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院 教授,博士生导师/研究方向为城市设计、儿童友好城市、健康 城市(深圳 518055)
引介从“儿童日常生活”视角出发的布勒比(Bullerby)模型建构儿童友好城市环境的评价工具,选取典型高密度异质性城区开展评价。结果表明,儿童 的生活环境多为温室型,70%以上的城市空间并不儿童友好,难以支持儿童自由而多样的生活。回归分析发现,高密度路网容易诱发温室型环境,活动场地充沛 的住区更易形成密室型环境,安全、紧凑的城市空间更利于塑造儿童友好的城市环境。为提升城市环境的儿童友好水平,应适度降低机动车路网密度,以提升儿 童出行的安全性,提升儿童友好城市服务的供给量与紧凑度,并着力建构“住区-社区-城区”公共空间连续体。布勒比模型可作为儿童友好城市规划设计的基础 性工具,提升实践的针对性与科学性
关键词:  风景园林  布勒比模型  儿童友好  城市环境评价  独立活动性  环境可供性
The Assessment and Interpretation of Child-Friendly Urban Environment Based on Bullerby Model: ACase Study in Shenzhen
LIU Kun,,ZENG Zhihan,,ZHANG Changjuan
Child-friendly urban planning is a research and practical action with clear objectives and oriented to problems, which requires urban space to provide opportunities for children to play, recreate, move around and socialize, so as to realize children's free and diversified activities and explorations in the city. However, for a long time, most quality assessments of child-friendly city construction have focused directly on the built environment, which is generally characterized by complicated contents, unclear standards and weak applicability. In the context of "child-led" transformation, assessing the child-friendliness of environments based on children's daily lives has become an effective path. The word Bullerby is translated as a noisy village, originally derived from a Swedish village full of play and imagination in literature, implying the characteristics of a "free and diverse" environment for children's growing-up. Based on the results of existing research, Finnish scholar Marketta Kytt? has constructed a theoretical model of child-friendly cities based on the core criteria of children's independent mobility and environmental affordance, and named it Bullerby model. Bullerby model aims to emphasize the subjectivity of children in the concept of child-friendly cities and to evaluate the child-friendliness of urban environments through children's daily life. The model has been applied to childfriendly practices in Finland and other countries. Based on the above background, we introduce Bullerby model from the perspective of children's daily life, and construct a tool for evaluating child-friendly urban environments. The research ideas are as follows: 1) to construct an assessment method of child-friendliness in urban areas based on Bullerby model; 2) to select a typical high-density heterogeneous urban area, and take children aged 6 to 12 as the research subjects to investigate the independent mobility and environmental availability to evaluate the child-friendliness of the urban area; 3) to construct an evaluation tool covering five dimensions, including the safety of the neighborhood, accessibility to transportation, spatial compactness, inclusiveness of services, and availability of space, to explore the built environment factors affecting child-friendliness; 4) to discuss the core issues of building child-friendly cities in high-density cities and propose planning and design strategies. The assessment results showed that children mostly live in Glasshouses, and more than 70% of urban spaces were not child-friendly and difficult to support children's free and diversified lives: Bullerby, as an ideal child-friendly environment, presented the characteristics of abundant blue and green resources and balanced allocation of public services; Wastelands were located in a newly developed area, presenting the environment of a relative lack of facilities; Cells were located in the vicinity of urban villages and industrial parks, showing a lack of facilities and low security; Glasshouses were mostly located in the urban core area, showing high density and high centrality. The regression results showed that: 1) high-density living road networks dose not improve children's independent mobility, meanwhile led to Glasshouse, and the small-scale neighborhood and dense road network might not provide security for children's free activities; 2) The density of buildings and educational facilities effectively improved children's independent mobility but did not increase the safety of their activities; 3) the density of building and educational facilities effectively improved children's independent mobility, but couldn't increase environmental affordance, which meant high-density urban areas had a significant positive effect on children's friendliness, but the mix of functions and compactness still should be improved; 3) both urban and community parks had positive effects on children's friendliness, but the residences with abundant playgrounds induce Cells, the strong attraction of inside activity places and the spatial separation between inside and outside of public space might be the triggering factors of Cells; 4) Safe neighborhood travel environments, compact forms and functions, and continuous public space systems are the core spatial attributes that support children's free and diverse urban life to realize Bullerby. The study concludes that: 1) moderately reducing the density of the motorized road network would enhance the safety of children's travel, especially in areas where children travel frequently; 2) improving the supply and compactness of child-friendly urban services, forming a spatial system of child growth services with a compact spatial layout and a co-coordinated support system among families, schools and society; 3) The focus should be on shaping the continuum of public spaces from residences to communities to cities, guiding children to expand their range within their neighborhoods. 4) Constructing a public space continuum of "settlement-community-urban area", to guide children to go out of the settlement and expand their activities, and to stimulate children's desire for exploration and curiosity. The Bullerby model vividly presents the child-friendliness of urban environment, and helps to explore and analyze the built environment problems and propose more targeted planning and design goals, strategies and actions, which can be used as a basic tool for child-friendly urban planning, design and research
Key words:  landscape architecture  Bullerby model  child friendliness  urban environment assessment  children's independent mobility  environmental affordance

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