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作者简介:王子尧 1995年生/男/河北邢台人/博士/清华大学建筑学院景观学系、生 态修复研究中心在站博士后,助理研究员/研究方向为风景园林 规划与设计、国土空间规划与生态修复(北京 100084)
系统开展生态修复关键区识别方法与管控策略研究,是科学有序推进生态修复规划建设的重要内容。以青海省为例,构建了“空间识别-风险分级-产品 分类”的多维度生态修复关键区空间识别与管控研究框架。将生态系统生产总值核算方法整合至生态网络识别方法中,结合生态风险评估识别了不同类别的生态 修复关键区,并基于GEP簇的识别分类构建差异化的生态产品价值实现途径。结果表明:1)研究区生态网络共包含93个生态源地斑块,229条生态廊道和70个生 态节点;2)根据生态风险与生态网络的评估结果,共识别出生态源地、生态廊道和生态节点3类生态修复关键区;3)生态修复关键区可进一步划分为6类GEP簇, 可为生态产品价值实现途径的构建提供科学支撑
关键词:  风景园林  生态修复  关键区  生态产品价值实现  空间识别
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(71734006);国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZC20231226);城乡园林景观建设国家林草局重点实验室和中央高校基本 科研业务费专项资金(BFUKF202310)
Research on Identification and Control of Key Ecological Restoration Areas in Qinghai Province
WANG Ziyao,LI Feng*
Conducting systematic research on the identification methods and management strategies for key ecological restoration areas is essential for scientifically and methodically promoting ecological restoration planning and development. In general, existing studies on the selection of ecological sources emphasize ecological functions, overlooking a holistic evaluation of the supply capacity of ecological products and their socio-economic value. Additionally, the formulation of ecological restoration strategies struggles to effectively respond to policy needs for achieving ecological product value, lacking effective synergy between ecological functions and value realization, which poses challenges to the transformation from "green mountains and clear waters" to "golden mountains and silver waters". This study focuses on Qinghai Province as the research area, addressing pressing issues such as ecological sensitivity and the urgent need for ecological product value realization, and establishes a multidimensional framework for spatial identification and management of key ecological restoration areas through "spatial identification, risk grading, and product classification". First, the Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) accounting method is integrated into the ecological network construction framework to scientifically identify the spatial distribution of ecological sources, ecological corridors, and ecological nodes in the study area. Second, external risks to the ecological network in the study area are quantitatively evaluated from the perspectives of ecological sensitivity and habitat degradation index, and these results are overlaid with the ecological network identification outcomes to pinpoint key areas for ecological restoration. On this basis, the ecosystem service bundle evaluation method was applied, clustering GEP assessment results using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) to determine dominant GEP types and structural characteristics across regions, facilitating the proposal of targeted ecological restoration strategies and pathways for realizing ecological product value. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1) GEP accounting: In 2020, the total GEP of Qinghai Province was 3.55 trillion yuan, including 2.32 trillion yuan from material products, 1.18 trillion yuan from regulation services, and 0.05 trillion yuan from cultural services. The spatial distribution of various GEP categories in the study area exhibits significant spatial heterogeneity, with the overall GEP value showing a south-high, north-low pattern. 2) Ecological network construction: Based on GEP accounting results, this study identified 93 ecological source patches in Qinghai Province, with a total area of 213,700 km2, concentrated in the eastern and southern regions of the study area. A total of 229 ecological corridors were identified, with a combined length of 15,909.96 km. The corridors form a spider-web structure, connecting the eastern, southern, and scattered ecological sources, with a distribution pattern characterized by sparse networks in the southeast and denser networks in the northwest. There are 70 ecological nodes, including 28 ecological pinch points and 42 ecological barrier points, mainly distributed in the Qaidam Basin and the northwestern part of Yushu Prefecture. 3) Ecological risk assessment and diagnosis of critical ecological restoration areas: In Qinghai Province, high-risk areas cover 139,000 km2, medium-risk areas cover 317,200 km2, and low-risk areas cover 266,100 km2. By overlaying ecological risk assessment results with ecological network identification, three types of critical ecological restoration areas were identified: ecological source areas (168,600 km2), ecological corridors (7,311.57 km in total length), and all ecological nodes as restoration priority areas. 4) GEP bundles identification and pathways for ecological product value realization: Using the SOM method, six types of GEP bundles were identified, including the ecological conservation bundle, the windbreak and sand fixation bundle, the ecological regulation bundle, the product supply bundle, the aesthetic landscape bundle, and the flood mitigation bundle. Based on the GEP composition and resource endowments of different GEP clusters, combined with the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Establishment of Ecological Product Value Realization Mechanisms in Qinghai Province", this study developed differentiated pathways for ecological product value realization tailored to critical ecological restoration areas. The research findings not only provide scientific foundations and methodological guidance for the implementation of major ecological civilization strategies in Qinghai Province but also serve as valuable references for other ecologically sensitive regions.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological restoration  key areas  ecological product value realization  spatial recognition

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