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作者简介:蒋存妍 1988年生/女/黑龙江哈尔滨人/哈尔滨工业大学建筑与设计学院 副教授,硕士生导师/自然资源部寒地国土空间规划与生态保护 修复重点实验室/研究方向为气候适应性规划设计理论与方法、 健康城市规划设计理论与方法(哈尔滨 150006)
积极的城市街道具有类似于自然环境的疗愈效果,同时冬季雪景对于人体也具有一定的恢复效益。聚焦于严寒地区漫长覆雪期,通过VR技术构建多类 型的人行道雪景场景,结合问卷及神经生物测量方法获得不同要素的人行道疗愈作用的数据。结果表明,严寒地区城市人行道雪景对受访者压力与焦虑情绪具有 显著缓解作用;不良情绪问题越大的受访者,越认为VR实验中的积极场景能带来更舒适的体验。依托中国已经出台的城市街道设计导则,提出雪景疗愈导向下严 寒地区城市人行道优化设计启示,以期为严寒地区城市街道设计导则编制提供技术支撑
关键词:  风景园林  雪景疗愈环境  严寒地区  城市人行道  虚拟现实技术  街道设计导则
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(52008131);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M670916);黑龙江哲学社会科学研究项目(21YSC229);国家自然科 学基金面上项目(52378051);同济大学建筑与城市规划学院建成环境技术中心开放课题(20240104)
Effectiveness of Snow Scenery Healing Study on Urban Sidewalks Based on VR Experiment in SevereCold Areas
JIANG Cunyan,,HUANG Xinyue,,MA Yue,,LI Yi,,LENG Hong*
A large number of existing research results have shown that positive urban built environments have healing effects similar to natural environments. In recent years, natural environment exposure has gradually become a medical auxiliary pathway to help people maintain and restore their health. However, the long and cold winter climate in extremely cold regions has a negative impact on the physical and mental health of residents, and the health-promoting effect of green spaces in urban built environments during winter will also significantly decrease. At the same time, research has confirmed that the clever combination of snow scenery and natural or nonnatural elements can create a layered and charming winter landscape, which can generate multiple subjective feelings and associations, thereby having a certain restorative effect on the human body. Currently, virtual reality (VR) technology has gradually become an important means of spatial environment perception due to its wide application depth, strong immersive experience, high interactivity, and costsaving on-site research time. This paper focuses on the long snow cover period in extremely cold regions, and conducts research on urban streets, which are the primary public activity places to urban residents. Firstly, various types of pedestrian snow scenes were constructed using virtual reality technology, resulting in 8 VR snow scenes composed of elements such as nighttime and daytime, different green viewing rates, building interface colors, ice and snow landscapes, outdoor activity facilities, etc.; Secondly, eligible college students will be invited to participate in the VR snow scene healing experience experiment, and devices such as ErgoLAB 3.0 intelligent wearable physiological recorder and Likang Force-100 health wristband will synchronously record the measurement of neurobiological indicators such as skin conductivity and heart rate of the subjects; Finally, by combining various methods such as collecting questionnaires on initial stress emotions and preferences for urban street scenes before and after the experiment, and interview records, relevant comprehensive data on the health healing effects of pedestrian walkways with different constituent elements were obtained. The experiment was conducted in a closed office environment and was divided into four stages: preparation, stress testing, sidewalk snow scene healing VR experience, and conclusion. The overall duration was 15 minutes per person, resulting in a total of 99 valid samples. Based on this, ANOVA tests and Pearson correlation analyses were conducted. The results indicate that relying on the ice and snow elements in cold regions to build a favorable urban pedestrian environment is conducive to attracting residents to engage in outdoor activities in winter and can have a certain therapeutic effect on residents with stress and anxiety. 1) More than 80% of the subjects have the habit of enjoying snow outdoors and believe that snow scenery will affect people's mood, because the air quality is good and the temperature is relatively high during snowfall, and enjoying snow and ice outdoors for entertainment and leisure can make their body and mind comfortable. Nearly three-quarters of the respondents believe that snow scenery combined with lighting can create a strong winter atmosphere and bring a better psychological healing experience; 2) The snow scenery on urban sidewalks in cold regions has a significant relieving effect on the stress and anxiety of respondents, and the greater the problem of negative emotions, the more obvious the mental relaxation experience they feel, and the more they believe that positive scenes in VR experiments can bring a more comfortable experience. Different VR experimental scenarios can cause changes in physiological indicators of subjects, with those with emotional problems experiencing greater fluctuations in physiological indicators and being more susceptible to the influence of surrounding environmental factors; 3) The participants perceived a disparity between the idealized scene of the sidewalk constructed in the experiment and the real construction situation. The most important factors affecting the comfort of the sidewalk were road anti-skid, timely snow removal, ice and snow landscape, and rest and heating facilities. In addition, there exists significant room for improvement in the urban street environment in cold regions. The article relies on the relevant content of some urban street design guidelines that have been issued in China, and analyzes the street space elements and healing results involved in VR experimental scenarios. It complements climate adaptation, health healing, and activity promotion as key points, and uses pedestrian space, pedestrian functional facilities, and building interfaces as supplementary spatial elements to benchmark existing design goals. Based on the original general strategy, it proposes supplementary measures for optimizing the design of urban sidewalks in cold regions under the guidance of snow scenery healing, mainly including four aspects: healing pedestrian environment, healing landscape effect, healing space experience, and healing public service facilities, in order to provide technical support for the compilation of urban street design guidelines in cold regions in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  snow healing environment  severe cold areas  urban sidewalk  VR technology  street design guidelines

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