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作者简介:王 敏 1975年生/女/福建福州人/博士/同济大学建筑与城市规划学院党 委副书记,景观学系副教授,博士生导师/高密度人居环境生态 与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)水绿生态智能分实验中心 联合创始人/上海城市困难立地绿化工程技术研究中心成员/研究 方向为蓝绿空间生态系统服务、城市绿地与生态规划设计、韧 性景观与城市可持续(上海 200092)
高度异质性是城市生态系统的重要特征,一方面影响城市生物多样性和景观地方性的形成,另一方面是导致生物多样性丧失的风险之一。从城乡梯度和 景观地方性特征角度切入,探索如何在生境网络构建过程中响应城市空间异质性特征,实现生境及生物多样性分类保护提升。以江苏省昆山市为例,响应城乡梯 度景观特征,提取获得9种典型地方性滨水景观类型并分析其生境特征,据此选取白鹭、泽陆蛙、池杉作为指示物种,爬梳文献构建多物种生境适宜性评价指标体 系;运用ArcGIS进行多物种生境适宜性评价,并对结果进行K-Means聚类分析,得到6类复合生境组合,其中4类属于滨水生境并呈现城乡梯度特征。在此基础 上,依托昆山现有连通度较高的蓝绿空间网络构建形成响应城乡梯度景观特征的滨水生境网络,并提出针对性的分类发展策略,为高密度城市的生物多样性保护 提供重要基础支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  滨水生境  生物多样性  景观特征识别  城乡梯度  网络构建
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(52178053);上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会2023年度重点科研项目(沪建科2023-Z02-005);自然资源部大都市区国 土空间生态修复工程技术创新中心开放性创新项目(CXZX202401)
Construction Method of Waterfront Habitat Network that Integrates Landscape Character Identificationand Urban-rural Gradient Analysis: A Case Study of Kunshan City in Jiangsu Province
WANG Min,YU Qianyi,WANG Jieqiong*
The high heterogeneity of urban ecosystems shapes urban biodiversity and landscape particularity. However, in the context of rapid urban development and intensified habitat fragmentation, there is an urgent need to construct a habitat network that responds to the characteristics of urban spatial heterogeneity, so as to achieve classified protection and enhancement of habitats and biodiversity. Taking Kunshan City in Jiangsu Province as an example, the research identified waterfront landscape feature factors from the dimensions of water, greenery and urban environment based on the spatial structure of the waterfront belt and other water body characteristics, and extracted typical local waterfront landscape types. Based on the habitat characteristics of these typical landscape types, indicator species with different urban adaptability and migration capabilities that can best indicate the waterfront habitat types of Kunshan City were selected. The study collated data on their habits and habitat requirements and constructed a habitat suitability evaluation system from the perspectives of habitat environment suitability and human activity disturbance. Multi-species suitability evaluation was then conducted on the ArcGIS platform, and K-Means clustering analysis was applied to the evaluation results to obtain several urban-rural composite habitat types that reflect urban-rural gradient characteristics. Based on the clustering results and the corresponding landscape features of composite habitats, typical waterfront habitat types were formed, and a grading classification system for waterfront habitat patches was established. Relying on the existing well-connected blue-green space network in Kunshan, a waterfront habitat network that reflects the urban-rural gradient landscape characteristics was constructed, and targeted classification development strategies for waterfront habitats were proposed, providing a basis for the refined guidance and control of urban habitat units at the mesoscale. The results showed: 1) Based on remote sensing images of Kunshan City, 17 patterns of water-green-city landscape elements were formed, and nine typical local waterfront landscape types were extracted. 2) Egrets, zeolite frogs, and pond fir were selected as indicator species. The level of habitat suitability for egrets was low as a whole, with suitable habitats concentrated in water fields, lakes, and wetlands, where a preliminary network of habitat corridors was formed, but without any correlation between northern and southern habitat sources; The overall level of habitat suitability for zeolite frogs was moderately high, and their distribution exhibited a clear urban-rural gap and a higher degree of integrity, with habitats concentrated in farmland and wetlands, showing stronger adaptability to urban environment than egrets. Pond fir was the indicator species with the highest overall habitat suitability in Kunshan's waterfront habitats, but generally showed a fragmented trend, lacking large patches with high integrity, and no obvious corridor structure was formed. 3) Cluster analysis resulted in six types of composite habitat combinations, and after the removal of artificial construction areas and terrestrial habitats, a significant gradient of urban-rural waterfront habitat spatial distribution characteristics in Kunshan City was obtained. Among them, composite habitat 2 was in the range where the ecological effect of urban blue-green space radiates to the hinterland; Composite habitat 4 played an important buffering role between the built environment and ecological space, had certain connectivity functions, and could effectively increase the potential habitat space and diffusion opportunities in the city; Composite habitat 5 was the largest type of habitat in Kunshan City, mainly consisting of farmlands with a certain scale of high natural value, providing diverse habitats for wild species; Composite habitat 6 was distributed in a cluster pattern, becoming the area with the best biodiversity in Kunshan. 4) Four types of typical waterfront habitats were obtained, namely rural natural habitats, rural wetland habitats, rural sparse forest habitats, and urban mixed habitats. Patches larger than 30 hm2 were selected and classified into three levels, namely core ecological source areas, general ecological source areas, and ecological sinks. Relying on the existing well-connected bluegreen space network in Kunshan, a multi-segment and multi-type waterfront corridor system was formed according to habitat classification. After inspection, small habitat patches in the central urban area basically coincided with the existing park green spaces, so according to the landscape characteristics, a stepping stone system of ecological strategic points in the high-density urban environment was formed. 5) Using the land use planning as the blueprint, and roads, rivers, and urban construction land as boundaries to draw habitat maps, a classification guide map for Kunshan's waterfront habitats and targeted habitat classification development strategies were formed. The composite waterfront habitats showed a gradient distribution pattern from urban center to suburban ecological space, which was closely related to human disturbance of varying degrees and protective actions such as the construction of urban park green spaces and waterfront corridors, agricultural production activities in the suburbs, and the ecological conservation of lake water systems. The construction of a waterfront habitat network that responds to the characteristics of the urban-rural gradient fully reflects the significance of traditional ecological wisdom of "adapting to local conditions" and "coordinating human-land relations" for balancing urban cultural and social systems and natural ecosystems, which provides new perspectives and methods for urban ecological planning and biodiversity conservation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  waterfront habitat  biodiversity  landscape character identification  urban-rural gradient  network construction

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