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基于栖息地适宜度指数模型的涉禽栖息地 修复策略研究
作者简介:杨云峰 1981年生/男/浙江宁波人/博士/南京林业大学风景园林学院副教 授/研究方向为城市生物多样性保护和栖息地修复、中外园林史 (南京 210037)
生物多样性是保持生态系统平衡的基础,以城市 内涉禽栖息地为研究对象,引入栖息地适宜度指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)模型对栖息地质量进行定量评估,从 而为生物多样性保护、自然栖息地修复和人鸟关系平衡提供科 学依据。以南京市紫金山玄武湖片区为例,探讨了栖息地适宜 性指数模型在涉禽栖息地修复中的应用过程,采用主客观相结 合的方法,从觅食、筑巢和人为干扰3个层面构建研究区涉禽 栖息地适宜性指数模型,并通过野外实测和文献收集获取栖息 地数据,进行栖息地适宜度评价。结果表明,研究区的涉禽栖 息地整体适宜程度较低且生境类型较为同质,评分较高的栖息 地区域水深较浅、水生植物较为丰富、周边有适宜筑巢地、人 类活动的干扰程度较低;而评分较低的栖息地区域人类活动频 繁、外部干扰较大。依据研究区涉禽栖息地适宜度评价结果, 提出了系统设计、微生境设计和游憩设计3项针对性的栖息地 修复策略。
关键词:  风景园林  栖息地适宜度指数模型  水鸟  涉禽  栖息地修复
Research on Habitat Restoration Strategy ofWading Birds Based on Habitat Suitability IndexModel
YANG Yunfeng,BU Minggang
Biodiversity is the basis for maintaining ecosystem balance. Taking urban wading bird habitat as the research object, Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model was introduced for quantitative assessment of habitat quality. It provides scientific basis for biodiversity conservation, natural habitat restoration and human-bird relationship balance. Taking Xuanwu Lake area of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing as an example, the application process of HSI model in wading bird habitat restoration was discussed. The HSI model was constructed from three levels of foraging, nesting and human disturbance by combining subjective and objective methods. Habitat data were obtained through field measurement and literature collection to evaluate habitat suitability. The overall habitat suitability of the study area is higher. Habitat areas with high scores have shallow water depth, abundant aquatic plants, suitable nesting sites around, and low human activities. Habitat areas with poor scores are characterized by frequent human activities and heavy external disturbances. According to the results of habitat suitability evaluation of wading birds in the study area, habitat restoration strategies were proposed in three aspects: system design, microhabitat design, and recreation design.
Key words:  landscape architecture  habitat suitability index model  waterfowl  wading bird  habitat restoration

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