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从“非正规绿地”到“社区食物微森林” ——社区非正规种植空间公共资源化利用研究
作者简介:谢雨丝 1992年生/女/新疆巴州人/重庆大学建筑城规学院在读博士研究 生/研究方向为城乡生态规划与设计(重庆 400045)
:非正规绿地中居民自发的果蔬种植行为长期困扰社 区空间治理,个体种植行为影响社区公众利益构成焦点问题。 如何趋利避害,将非正规绿地中的自发种植空间转化为社区公 共服务产品产出场所,适应非正规绿地自发种植空间内在机理 与现实问题的空间设计策略值得研究。通过自发种植行为实地 调研,发现非正规绿地的“阈限性”特征和弱势群体的空间诉 求是引发非正规种植行为、产生负外部性影响的根本原因。进 而推倒得出“明确空间功能”,促进“多元化主体参与”和 “复合功能共享”的负外部性治理思路。借鉴食物森林理论, 通过理论调适应用于非正规绿地自发种植空间,从而形成适应 中国社区非正规绿地本底环境的“社区食物微森林”复合功能 公共产品输出路径,从“食物+生态、景观、休闲”复合功能 的微森林营造技术和长效治理机制两方面,有效回应了我国非 正规绿地的现状问题与社区本底环境诉求,对社区非正规绿地 自发种植空间治理具有参考价值。
关键词:  风景园林  非正规绿地  自发果蔬种植行为  公共 资源化利用  社区食物微森林  复合功能公共产品
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(52178032);国家自 然科学基金项目(51908469);重庆市研究生科研创新项目 (CYB21036)
From "Informal Green Spaces" to "CommunityFood Micro-Forests": A Study on Public ResourceUtilization of Community Informal GardeningSpaces
XIE Yusi,XING Zhong,GU Yuanyuan,TANG Xizi,WAN Jinxia
The spontaneous gardening by residents in informal green spaces has long been an issue in community governance, as their individual behavior can significantly impact the public interest of the community. It is worthwhile to study strategies for avoiding harm, examining the inner mechanisms of public resource utilization in informal green spaces, and exploring space design and guidance. Through field research on residents' gardening behavior in informal green spaces, the study uncovers that negative externalities are rooted in the liminal characteristics of informal green spaces and the spatial behavior of individual subjects. From this, a management approach focusing on "clear spatial function" and "diversified participant subjects" as well as "composite function sharing" is conducted. Furthermore, after conducting a comparative analysis of the potential effectiveness of the food forest theory and its applicability to community informal green space gardening practices, the study argues an adapted version of a "community food micro-forest", including "food + ecology, landscape, leisure" within the construction technology and long-term governance mechanism. This approach effectively responds to the current challenges faced by China's informal green spaces and aligns with the environmental demands of the community. These findings have significant implications for the governance of community informal green space gardening.
Key words:  landscape architecture  informal green space  fruit and vegetable growing  public resourceful utilization  community food micro-forests  composite functional public product

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