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基于街景分析技术的滨江路空间品质 研究——以重庆三代滨江路为例
作者简介:王中德 1970年生/男/辽宁大连人/重庆大学建筑城规学院副教授,博士 生导师/山地城镇建设与新技术教育部实验室/研究方向为风景园 林规划与设计(重庆 400044)
滨江路是滨江城市中极具特征性的线性空间,但针 对其特殊的地理环境条件,在特征性指标体系建构及量化评价 等方面还有待拓展。结合滨江路环境要素分析构建特征性指标 体系,运用基于语义分割的街景分析技术,对重庆市不同时期 的3代滨江路展开特征总结与问题剖析。结果表明:1)在指标 体系研究方面,应依据不同研究对象和研究目的,有针对性地 选取指标;2)在个案层面,由于道路功能的综合提升及城市地 形限制的减弱,使新一代滨江路空间品质显著提高;3)跨江立 体交通节点对滨江路空间品质影响较大。利用街景技术建立滨 江路空间品质评价指标体系,所得结论可为其品质提升提供科 学依据。
关键词:  风景园林  滨江路  空间品质评价  指标体系  街 景影像
Study on the Spatial Quality of Riverside RoadBased on Streetscape Analysis Technology: Takingthe Third Generation Riverside Road in Chongqingas an Example Square
WANG Zhongde,WANG Xiaoyan
Riverside road is a very characteristic linear space in riverside city, but in view of its special geographic environment conditions, the construction and quantitative evaluation of the characterization index system still need to be expanded. Combined with the analysis of the environmental elements of the riverfront road to construct the characteristic index system, using the streetscape analysis technology based on semantic segmentation, the characteristics of the three generations of riverfront roads in different periods of Chongqing City are summarized and problems are analyzed. The results show that, firstly, in the research of indicator system, the indicators should be selected according to different research objects and purposes; secondly, at the case level, the spatial quality of the new generation of riverfront roads is significantly improved due to the comprehensive enhancement of the road function and the weakening of the urban topography restriction; and lastly, it is analyzed that the cross-river threedimensional transportation nodes have a greater impact on the spatial quality of the riverfront roads. Through the use of streetscape technology to establish the evaluation index system of the riverfront road, the conclusions obtained are of great significance to the improvement of the spatial quality of the riverfront.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban riverside road  space quality evaluation  indicator system  street view image

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