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中国古代园林观月空间“景月同构” 设计探析——以明清园林为例
作者简介:夏晗冰 1998年生/女/浙江绍兴人/浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院在 读博士研究生/研究方向为风景园林规划与设计(杭州 311300)
经“月岩望月”研究发现,南宋时期已出现符合天 文运行规律、“朝对东-南”的观月景观营建,构景手法表现 为月景与地景的同框因借,展现了中国古代园林“景月同构” 的空间营造特征。在“景月同构”是否能作为中国古代园林月 景设计范式,以及其“朝对东-南”的设计具有哪些共性特征 2个问题的导向下,基于古代园林遗存和园记等材料进行统 计、筛选,针对观月空间布局与构景要素进行整理。总结出明 清园林中成功观月的景点普遍存在“朝对东-南”的方向性特 点,并归纳出“有水为宜”“丘壑应变”“景题点睛”“旱园 水作”4类中国古代园林观月空间的“景月同构”设计范式。 进一步探讨了中国传统园林在月景营建中对天文规律的应用, 以期为古代园林观月景点复原定位及现代月景设计在山水地形 营造、景观元素布局和观月氛围设计方面提供理论指导。
关键词:  风景园林  观月空间  景月同构  朝对东-南
Exploration on the Design of "Landscape withMoon Movement" in Ancient Chinese MoonscapeSpace: Taking Garden in Ming and Qing Dynastiesas Examples
XIA Hanbing,BAO Qinxing,ZHANG Minxia,CHEN Danxiu
With the research of a sight spot called "Moon Rockery" found that in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a moonscape space that conformed to the astronomical rules and south-eastwards. This kind of configuration shows the characteristic of the moonscape space in ancient Chinese gardens which called "landscape with moon movement". This paper studies the configuration of "landscape with moon movement" and "south-eastwards view", and analyzes the materials of ancient garden remains and garden records, and sorts out the layout and elements of moonscape space, and draw a conclusion that most of the moonscapes in garden in Ming and Qing dynasties were south-eastwards. On the above base, this paper concludes 4 moonscape space formulas which are "a garden with water is better than one without", "combining landform and rockery with variable spatial conditions", "the name of the attraction is important", and "special pavement design makes the ground fell like water". Further, it discusses the application of astronomical rules in moonscape designing in traditional Chinese gardens, in order to provide references for moonscape design in two aspects: on the one hand it can work at Restoration of Ancient Chinese Gardens, on the other hand, it can guide the contemporary moonscape in the construction of terrain, organization of elements and creation of moonscape atmosphere.
Key words:  landscape architecture  moonscape space  landscape with moon movement  south-eastwards view

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