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基于ISODATA空间镶嵌聚类的流域生境 质量演变——以河南省黄河流域周边城镇为例
作者简介:1992年生/男/河北石家庄人/北京林业大学园林学院在读博士研 究生/河北农业大学园林与旅游学院讲师/研究方向为风景园林规 划与设计、城市开放空间规划与城市设计(北京 100083)
基于空间异质性原理和大量实证研究结果认为,在生 境质量评估过程中,使用空间镶嵌分类代替土地利用/覆被分类 可以更加完整地捕捉土地空间组分、结构与生态功能差异。以 河南省黄河流域周边城镇为研究区,提出以ISODATA聚类为核 心的空间镶嵌分类框架,并将分类结果用于InVEST生境质量模 型评估过程,最终探讨研究区2000—2020年生境质量演变的 整体与样带特征。结果显示:研究区拥有5类支柱性和6类过渡 性空间镶嵌类型,各类空间的演变体现出建设用地等扩张对空 间镶嵌模式全局的差异性和联动性影响;研究区生境质量整体 呈“西北高、中东低”的分布格局,研究期内Ⅲ等生境质量空 间大幅减少,Ⅰ、Ⅱ等生境质量空间逐渐增加,过渡性空间在 其中起到了重要影响,该影响在自然地理样带和城镇发展样带 典型的过渡地段均有所体现。研究结果对黄河流域生物多样性 保护和生态系统功能调控具有一定理论与实践价值。
关键词:  风景园林  生境质量  空间异质性  空间镶嵌分 类  ISODATA聚类  黄河流域周边城镇  河南省
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“生态演进视角下的 黄河滩区簇群城镇空间发展特征、机制及韧性应对”(编号 51978050)和国家住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目“韧 性视角下黄河滩区乡村空间重构及景观风貌优化研究”(编号 2020-k-194)共同资助
Evolution of Habitat Quality Based on ISODATA SpatialMosaic Clustering Analysis: A Case Study of the Townsalong the Yellow River Basin, Henan Province
FENG Junming,LI Chi,FENG Yifan
Combining the principle of spatial heterogeneity and numerous studies of investigation, the results show that spatial mosaic classification is capable of accurately capturing the differences in composition, structure, and function of land space than that of land use/land cover classification during the process of habitat quality evaluation. Taking the towns around the Yellow River Basin in Henan Province as the study area, the spatial mosaic classification framework centering ISODATA clustering is proposed, and the classification results are applied to the evaluation process of the InVEST habitat quality model. Finally, standing from the integral and belt transect level, the evolution characteristics of habitat quality in the study area from 2000 to 2020 are explored. The results show that there are 5 types of pillar spatial mosaic and 6 types of transitional spatial mosaic in the study area. The evolution of each type of space reflects the global differences and linkage effects of construction land expansion on spatial mosaic; The overall distribution pattern of habitat quality in the study area shows the feature of "high in the northwest and low in the middle east"; the habitat quality space of Grade III is significantly reduced, and the habitat quality spaces of Grade I and Grade II are gradually increased during the study period, in which the transitional space plays a vital role that is highlighted in the typical transitional periods of the natural geography transect and the urban development transect. The research results have certain theoretical and practical value for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem function regulation in the Yellow River Basin.
Key words:  landscape architecture  habitat quality  spatial heterogeneity  spatial mosaic classification  ISODATA clustering  towns along the Yellow River Basin  Henan Province

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