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关键词:  风景园林  城市绿色空间生境网络  InVEST  最小成本路径  生物多样性
Research on the Construction Method of Urban Green Space Habitat Network Based on InVEST Model and Least-cost Path: A Case Study of Nanjing
CAO Jiajie,FU Jianwei
In this paper, a method was proposed to simulate the urban green space habitat network comprehensively by using the least-cost path, which selected several species of different habitat types and have different abilities to adapt to urbanization as target species, identified the habitat source and extracted the cost information based on the species observation data and InVEST model habitat quality assessment. Taking Nanjing as an example, nine species of birds were selected as the target species to analyze the current urban green space network structure. The results showed that migration ability and urbanization adaptation ability had a great influence on the extent of species distribution and habitat. The species with strong urbanization adaptability or migration ability spread well in the network, while the species with poor urbanization adaptability and weak migration ability had serious adverse effects. For the integrated network, there are many cores in the middle but they are divided by the construction area. There are few cores in the north and they are scattered, while the southern cores are closely connected. The main connectivity structures of the three parts are Chu River, Lishui River, Qinhuai River, New Qinhuai River and a series of forest land or reservoirs and ponds. In addition, many dispersal paths are generated in semi-natural habitats. Some closely connected patches become groups. Finally, the corresponding construction and optimization suggestions are put forward.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space habitat network  InVEST  least-cost path  biodiversity

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